Chapter 34

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"Tessa"Hardin says again and Emery is looking confused "I'm fine"I take a deep breath and walk towards the bedroom and I sit on my bed and Hardin and Emery follow and Hardin sits beside me rubbing the bottom of my back ,I know I'm in labour but I don't want to leave Emery after her just crying about she doesn't want us to leave "mommy are you having the baby"

"No not yet sweetie" "are you hurting mommy"

"I just have some back pain"I tell her

"Your in labour for goddess sake"Hardin says and I turn my head to him why did he have to say that in front of Emery "Emery why don't you go get mummy a drink"Hardin says and she nods leaving the room "Hardin why would you say that"

"Say what?"

"That I'm going into Labour I didn't want Emery to know"

"I think she will find out when you come home with a baby"he says "yes but I didn't want her to think we where just getting up and leaving her after she has been crying about us because she thought we would leave us...Ugh"I groan standing up taking in deep breaths and Hardin starts to time my contractions and Emery comes back "here you go"she hands me the cup of water "thank you sweetie"I look over at Hardin and he is texting Landon about Emery coming over to stay and Emery hugs me "your going aren't you mommy"She looks up at me "I am but I'll be back I promise"

"It's ok I believe you"she tells me giving me a small smile god I really don't want to leave her "I feel Hardin's hand on my back just as another contractions start to come , Hardin walks over to the wardrobe taking out my hospital bag.

We get ready to leave making our way down to the car it's crazy to think when we come home we will have our little boy "how long do you think you will be in hospital mommy"

"Hopefully a day or two you will get to come and visit"I tell her as we pull up to Landon's apartment and Nora comes out "my nephew is almost here"she hugs me "I'm excited but nervous"

"Don't be nervous Tessa ,Emery are you so excited"she asks her "I guess so"she says still holding my hand "ok it's time for us to go sweetie"I tell her "ok mommy"she whispers hugging me and she goes inside and we get back into the car and I feel my self start to cry "What's wrong Tess"Hardin places his hand on my leg "I'm just scared"

"You don't need to be scared you did this before"he try's to comfort me "I know that's what's scaring me is I know what to expect"

"I know it's will be all good love you can do this"he says and starts the drive to the hospital and my contractions are getting stronger

I change into my hospital gown once we arrive and of course Hardin makes fun of me "it's sexy"he laughs

"It is not shut up"I pretend to be annoyed sitting on the bed "I can feel another one coming"I say taking his hand "it's ok love just breathe" he says and I wait for it to pass.

The nurse comes and puts the IV and tells me I'm 3cm dilated "he doesn't want to come does he"Hardin rubs my stomach "he is talking his time"I put my hand over his "come out now Auden where waiting for you"Hardin says and we feel a kick "I'm guessing that's a no"he laughs...

Happy beginnings:Tessa and Hardin Where stories live. Discover now