Chapter 36

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I'm waiting outside Emery's school for her to come out I keep scrolling through my phone at pictures of Auden him and Tessa where ment to come home today but Tessa had some bleeding after the birth so they want to keep her for an extra day,I see Emery coming towards the car and I get out "daddy I missed you"she runs over to me "darling I missed you to"I pick her up "did mommy have the baby"

"She did she had him last night "

"Is she ok"

"She is doing amazing"I help her into the car "and where is she"she asks "at the hospital do you want to go see her"

"Yes I missed yous so much last night...can I get the baby a present"she surprises me by saying "of course you can what do you want to get"

"Maybe a teddy bear because their soft we earned about siblings in school today"she tells me I know Landon did that on purpose and I glad "do you know Ellie has 2 brother and 1 sister"

"Well I have 2 brothers and a sister to"

"Oh ye I forgot about that"she says

We arrive at the mall and we go inside "maybe I can get a blue teddy because he is a boy"she has gone through 20 teddy bears already "this is the one"she holds up a blue elephant and we go to pay "wait I need something for mommy"she runs of and I go after her "here I want these"she points to bunch of flowers "is that it"I ask her and she nods and we go pay and I hurry before she wants anything else

We arrive at the hospital and Emery puts her arms up to me and I pick her up "I'm just a little nervous"she whispers to me "that's ok"I tell her and we go inside "which room is mommy's this place is so big"

"We have to go into the lift and up to the 5th floor"I tell her and she gets down from my arms to press the button,the doors open and we step out "this way Emery"I tell her and we get outside the room where Tessa is "mommy"Emery says running into the room "Emery I missed you so much"Tessa wraps her arms around her "I missed you to mommy I got you flowers"she takes them from me "thank you baby there my favourite"Tessa gives her a kiss "where is the baby"she asks her "he is in his crib"Tessa shows her and looks over to me and Tessa dusts back on the bed and I help Emery up than I take Auden out of his crib "hello buddy I'm back"I say to him "Emery do you want to hold him"I say and she looks to Tessa and she just smiles at her "ok"

"Right Emery put your hands like this"Tessa helps her and puts a pillow at her arms and I place him in her arms "he is so small"she giggles and me and Tessa smile at each other "Em look how small his feet are"I say to her pulling his blanket over so she can see his feet and hands "they are really tiny" she says "daddy give him my present"I put the little blue elephant in front of him "Emery that was so nice of you to get him a present"Tessa tells her and Emery holds him tighter "I..I love him"she starts to cry which surprises me and Tessa "aww baby"Tessa says hugging her and even I feel a bit teary "when can he come home with us"

"Well when the doctor says we can hopefully tomorrow"

"Do I have to stay alone"

""No Hunny daddy is going home with you"Tessa tells her "oh ok"she looks to me like she isn't to happy "can I not stay here"

"Children can't stay here"I tell her "but I want to stay with baby brother"she pouts "he will be home tomorrow don't worry"Tessa tells her and Emery lays her head on her "ok mommy I'll try not to be upset"

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