Chapter 33

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I am now 9 months  and the heat outside is killing me it's so warm and I feel stretched and swollen I'm just now ready for our baby to come since I have gone on maternity leave I have been lonely in the house alone so I took up garden and have redone our whole little backyard "Tessa what have I told you"I hear Hardin's voice "I'm not doing anything hard just fixing up"

"You should be resting"

"I need to keep myself occupied"I tell him "I'm so board and this baby doesn't seem to want to come out" I can tell little Auden is definitely chill he is taking his time where as his sister was the opposite she made an appearance early and that definitely won't happen I know I'm going to be days overdue I can feel it "you need to rest" he takes the small shovel from me "look your nose is burnt"he says "fine I'll go inside"I say I check my watch a realise the time "Emery should be home soon"I say to him "I'm going to get a shower"he tells me placing a small kiss on my lips

I go into the kitchen and wash my hands and start to make dinner and I hear Hardin come out of the bedroom and than I hear a knock on the front door "Hi Hunny"I say and Emery storms past me "Emery what's wrong"I try hurry after her but I can't move that fast and I hear her bedroom door slam and Hardin comes out "what's wrong with her"he asks putting on a shirt "I don't know she won't talk to me"
I say and he knocks on her door "go away"

"Let me in little one"he says softly and she opens the door just enough to let him in and I put my ear up to the door and listen "what's wrong why are you in a huff"he says and I can just picture her pacing around the room "it's Addy she is such a brat"

"What did she do now"

"She said we are not best friends anymore she is such a brat" she says and I know he is trying not to smile at her "well you know Addy is brat sometimes"

"Sometimes all the time"she says and continues to say what she needs to say and Hardin comments along to every line "But Emery as much as a brat that she is she is still family"

"Well I want a new family"

"Really so that's me you will never see me or mummy-"he says and she cuts him of "no no no don't say that I want you as my daddy and mommy to be my mommy"she really didn't like the idea of losing us "well I know your still a bit angry so why don't you stay in your room and calm down for a bit"

"Ok will you tell mommy I'm sorry for shouting at her I didn't mean to"

"I will princess"I hear him come towards the door and I step back "just another stressful day of a six year old" he laughs it makes me fall in love with Hardin even more with the way he acts with Emery every time I see them together and I wrap my arm around him and Emery's door open and she is crying "oh Emery what's wrong"I walk towards her and she try's to wrap both of her little arms around me and Hardin "I'm not going to lose you am I"she sniffles "of course you won't why would you think that"

"Because I would be really upset if I did I don't know what I would do"she wipes her eyes "I promise darling you will never lose mummy or me ever we will always be here"Hardin tries to comfort her "do you promise"

"Of course we promise Em"I take her hand and she nods and she moves her hand to my stomach "will little brother be here soon"she asks me and he moves and her mouth goes wide "he just kicked mommy"

"He did because he always loves his big sister"Hardin says to her "he does but he doesn't know me"She innocently asks "because she can hear you in mummy's tummy"
"Oh he is kicking again"I say and she places her hand back in me "oh he is kicking a lot"I take a deep breath in "Tessa you couldn't be in labour could you?"Hardin asks.......

Happy beginnings:Tessa and Hardin Where stories live. Discover now