Chapter 17

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I bought a bottle of wine for me and Hardin it's Friday after all and work this week has been so hectic and I need a relaxer "hello anyone in ??"I call when I get into the house "mama"Emery runs out grabbing my hand "look look"she points into the living room and there is a Christmas tree "your putting the tree up"

"Well it is the first of December we have to get in the Christmas spirit"he says "I got the tree and the decorations down from the attic"he says he has the tree set all we have to do is the decorations "ohhh pretty"Emery says looking at the decorations I was really not in the mood to put the decorations up but Emery and Hardin are excited and Hardin rarely gets excited for things like this "yay"Emery claps her hands when Hardin hangs her Christmas stocking up "Em stock"she points giggling and I start hanging the baubles on the trees I feel like this is Emery's first Christmas where she really understands what is happening "Emery what do you want of Santa Emery"I ask her "Santa?"she looks confused "he brings you presents Em"Hardin tells her "can I get baby"

"You want a baby doll"

"Yes yes baby"she tells us "uhhh sweeties"

"You want Santa to bring you sweeties"I ask her and she nods "now look at that tree"Hardin says switching in the lights "wow pretty"she says "well now little Rugrat time for bed"


"You have to be good for Santa you have to go to bed like a good girl"

"Ok dada"she huffs and she puts her arms up for him and he picks her up "give mama a kiss"

"Goodnight Emery I love you"

"I love you mama goodnight"she waves at me and Hardin takes her of to bed ,I go into the kitchen and get two glasses out and pour us some wine I go back out to the bedroom and change into something comfier and go wait for Hardin

"Well after 20 minutes of explaining Santa clause she is alseep"he says sitting down beside me and I put my feet up on him taking a sip of my wine "you want me to rub your feet don't you"he smiles at me "you said it not me"I tease him and he puts down he glass and starts to rub my feet and a small moans escapes my mouth and he side eyes me and now I'm embarrassed "so your enjoying it"

"Just want I needed"I say and next of all we hear footsteps coming running out "Emery what are you doing up"I ask her "Santa bad"she says scrunching her nose "Santa is bad sweetie"

"He is"she shakes her head "I promise he isn't"

"My room"she post a down "he isn't in your room"

"Yes dada"

"Ok we will go check"he says and we both get up "up up"she puts up her little arms and I take her into my arms we go down to her bedroom and Hardin looks in the wardrobe and under the bed to show her Santa isn't here "now see Emery not here"


"I promise darling"he reassures and I place her back into bed ,we wait until she falls back alseep and than we go back out and I gently close the door over "now where were we"Hardin says pulling me over to him "mama"

"What does the cockblocker want now"

"What's wrong Hunny"

"Can I come out"she calls from her bedroom door "it's bedtime sweetie"

"I'm scared"

"There's nothing to be scared of.....Hardin"I push his hand away before it moves any further "ok little munchkin"Hardin says I swear it's like Emery just knows when me and Hardin are doing anything just the two of us and she gets jealous,Hardin goes into her room and I can hear her giving out "no no noooooo"she creams and I go down to see what is happening and she is in the floor kicking and screaming "ahhhh"she stands up "Emery this is not good behaviour"Hardin says and Emery try's to hit him but Hardin stops here "no sleep"

"Well me and mummy are going to bed and you can sit and cry here all night by yourself or you can get into bed"he says to her not backing down she picks her blanket up of the floor and gets back into bed and she just turns on her back "she's mad"I say go him and he nods we just leave her to cool down and go asleep

Happy beginnings:Tessa and Hardin Where stories live. Discover now