Chapter 40

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Tomorrow morning we go home and I'm sad I'll miss grandma I like it in London it's so different to Brooklyn but now I get sleep and mommy and daddy are fast alseep I can hear daddy snore I climb out of bed I need to go to the bathroom I walk down the hallway and the bathroom door opens making me jump and gasp "oh sorry darling for starling you I was just using the loo"grandma says "me to"I go in and quickly go the bathroom and come back out "can you not sleep"

"No I think I'm sad to go home"

"I'm sad yous are going home to hope I make you some hot coco like I used to make your father" she asks me "yes please"I follow her down the stairs and into the kitchen and I sit up at the kitchen table "here you go darling"she puts a cup of hot coco in front of me "do you think I could ever move to London"I ask her "would you like that"she asks "I love it over here"

"I don't think your father would ever let you move away or even out of the house he loves you to much"

"Daddy is so bossy"I tell her "you remind me so much of your father"she laughs "everybody says that"

"Than it must be true"she says and I take some of my drink "I wish I could visit more"I tell grandma "me to darling but everyone is always so busy it's hard we try see each other the best we can"She says and we hear footsteps "what are you two doing up so late"Daddy says "I could ask you the same"Grandma says back "Well I noticed a certain little girl wasn't in bed and now she is down here drinking hot coco"he says picking me up and sitting me down on his lap "daddy can I come live in London with grandma"

"Let me think about it no"he says "why not"
"Because who knows what type of crazy things she would have you up to"Daddy says "Excuse you I would take great care of Emery"she smiles at me and grandma yawns "well I think I'm going to go back to bed"

"Us to we have a long day tomorrow"daddy says picking me up and grandma gives me a kiss and she she leaves the room "are you ready for bed"daddy says pushing my hair out of my face and I wrap my arms around his neck "I'm tired now"I tell him "well let's get back to bed it is 2am"He says standing up keeping me in his arms as we walk up stairs and we go into our room and he lays me on the bed getting in beside me and I try go asleep "daddy"I turn around "yes princess"his sleepy voice says "I can't sleep"I tell him "why not"

"There is to many things on my mind"

"Really at this time of night"He asks "yes that's why I can't sleep"

"Well what's going on in that little head of yours"

"Well it's Christmas soon so now I have to think of what I want for Christmas and make my list and that is going to be hard"I huff and I now he is smiling at me "so that's what is keeping you up"he says "you don't need to worry I'm sure Father Christmas will know exactly what to get you"

"Still I need to write a list and than post it but I'm in school and Ugh I just won't have time"I say "Emery your 7 and in second grade you will have time"he tells me "but I also can't stop thinking about grandma"

"Because she is going to be here all alone when we go home"I say and daddy goes quiet "don't you think she gets lonely"I ask

"Well sometimes maybe but grandma likes to be alone"

"Nobody likes to be alone daddy" I say and he just stay quiet and I feel him pull me close to him wrapping his arms around me giving me a small kiss on my head

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