Chaptet 20

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Tomorrow we are going to Paris it has came at the right time yesterday was hard for Tessa we have just spent the day packing well Tessa packed but I watched but I can tell Tessa has second thoughts about going but this will be good for her "maybe Emery will miss us to much we should just stay"

"Tessa she will be fine she loves staying at my brothers"I try to reassure her "yeah but"

"But what"I say sitting beside her "Ugh my foot is itchy"Emery screams from the bedroom door "you don't want to get away from that"I look at her "come here darling"I say to Emery "you just need to scratch  it"I tell her sitting her on my lap and scratching it for her "all better dada"she says to me "Do you want to get your coat on so you can have a sleepover with Landon"I say to her "Addy"she smiles And I nod "my coat"she jumps of me "I told you she wouldn't be upset"I tell Tessa "I'm going to drop her over now ok"I put Emery's coat on her

"Emery give mama a hug"Tessa puts her arms out "bye mama"she says "love you baby"

"Love you mama"She kisses Tessa


"I'm too tired for this"I whine as we wait to check in "look where next"she tells me and we move up to the desk "have a safe flight"she women tells us once we are done checking in "I need coffee"Tessa says "me to or I'm about to fall asleep"I yawn following her and I take her hand I can already see creepy old men steering at her as we walk through of course she is oblivious and doesn't notice "here you go two expresses to go"

"Thank you"Tessa politely says to the kid that I can see is looking at her boobs could she have worn a tighter top

We get onto the plane I let Tessa have the window seat because I love looking at her watching the view

This is flight 334 to Paris from New York please fasten your seatbelts we will be taken of Shortly our flight time today is approximately 7hr 4mins

Tessa takes my hand as we start to take of but her worry soon goes when we can see the sunrise form the sky "it's beautiful isn't it"she says "it's is but now I'm going asleep"I say making myself comfy laying my head in her "you have a good rest" she says and I pull my hoodie over my head and she holds my hand again

I wake up forgetting where we are "how long left"I stretch out my legs "2 hours"she tells me "I slept for four hours wow have you"

"I couldn't"she tells me "your should try"

"I'm not even that ti ..tired"she yawns "here take this"I take my hoodie of putting it around her "now sleep"I say to her "I'll try"she closes her eyes

It's freezing once we arrive in Paris ,the room is stunning when you go out onto our balcony you can see the Eiffel Tower "this view is great"Tessa says admiring it "I can't wait to go up the Eiffel Tower I booked tickets for us to go tonight"she tells me "well it's still early"I say to her putting my arms around her waist "it is the city of love after all"she says and we both fall back onto the bed and I immediately grab her breast palming them in my hand and I kiss her neck "I love you fuck"I say to her and she lets out a moan "I love you"she says wrapping her arms around my neck "so what are me doing today"I ask her "well Mr Scott we are going to The Lourve and than out for dinner"Tessa always talked about going to The Louvre I don't really care for art but I know she is excited ,we wrap up warm the weather reminds me of Washington's weather

"Paris is so beautiful don't you think"she says linking me "it is I'm glad we came"I unwrap our arms and take her hand

"How was I ment to know there was a dress code"I complain we were not aloud in the Louvre because apparently there is a dress code and jeans and a T-shirt is not acceptable post bastards "It's ok Hardin"she laughs "it's not I know how excited you where"

"I was but there is more to Paris than just that now we have time to explore the city"She tells me "you sure"I ask and she turns to me placing her palm on my cheek "Of course I'm sure"she gives me a smile "here go over here let's get some hot chocolate your freezing"I tell her and we go over to a little cafe "Bonjour...oh my are you Hardin Scott"The barista says "umm..yes"

"I loved your book your even more beautiful in person"her eyes lights up "may I have uhh how do Americans say it..autograph"she hands me a pen and tissue and I write my name "thank you so much here on the house"

"Merci"she smiles at me ,I thank her taking our hot chocolate sitting down beside Tessa "here you go"I hand it to her "thanks"she says flat "What's wrong wait is this about that girl"

"She was definitely flirting with you"I have to smile at her jealousy well if this was years ago it would've been a massive fight "And what you think I was flirting back"

"No but still"She gets so jealous of other girls even if she doesn't admit it "it's not funny"she says when I laugh at her "it is baby getting jealous of girls so not like you Tess"

"Ugh your so annoying"she laughs back taking a sip of her hot chocolate

Part 2 of Paris trip coming tomorrow

Happy beginnings:Tessa and Hardin Where stories live. Discover now