Chapter 38

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We are at the airport right now we have just arrived and Emery is already in. A bad mood because we had to wake up at 3am but she has fell back asleep in Hardin's arms and Auden is alseep in his stroller and we also have like 100 bags "ok Emery you have to stand down we have to go through security"Hardin says once we get to security
"No daddy I don't want to"

"Emery stop it"He scolds her and we try put everything up to go through and I have Auden in my arms "I want to go through with mommy"

"Your a big girl you have to go through alone"

"Ahhhh"she stomps her foot and Hardin takes her hand "next"the security calls "you take Auden"I hand him to Hardin and he goes through "next"

"Emery follow daddy"

"No"she crosses her arms "Emery people are looking go through now"

"N O spells now"I take her hand and bring her right up "I'm right behind you go through"She stomps her feet I know we are holding up the whole que "maam you can step in with her"the security tells me and I thank them "what happened"Hardin asks "she wouldn't go through your not aloud act like that's that was really bold"I scold her and she just pouts "Emery we are going on a trip and if you act like that again you will never ever come away with us again"Hardin says "well maybe I don't want to go on your stupid trips"

"Ok turn around"


"I'll bring you outside to get a taxi and you can go home"He says and her eyes go wide "you won't do that"

"I will Tessa you wait here with Auden I'll be back in a moment"he says taking her hand "no no no I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that please"

"Don't act like that again"he lets go of her hand and she walks ahead of us "how do you do it"I gently rock Auden back and forth thankfully he is still sleeping "I'm more strict with her"

We find a restaurant to have some food because we didn't have anything before we left "I ordered us a platter of food between us all just hash browns,bacon.sausages"Hardin tells us and Auden starts to open his eyes and he looks around "He hasn't a bloody clue where we are"Hardin says and Emery laughs "Silly Auden we are in the airport"Kneeling in front of him and he coughs causing some spit up to come up "ahhhh you stupid baby you got sick on me"Emery screams I hand Auden to Hardin and take her to the bathroom "why did he get sick on me that's disgusting change my topppp"

"Emery please w shave a long flight just stop complaining"

"You would be complaining if you had throw up on you"she says and I change her shirt and we go back outside I'm hoping Emery falls asleep on the flight

We finish having our food and now Auden is wide awake just as we are getting ready to board I give him a pacifier even though he doesn't usually take them but it will help his ears not pop,all 3 of us are in the same row because Auden is in a car seat and Hardin is right across from us

About 1 hour into the flight and Emery has fallen asleep and Auden is still up he got through take of and now is just trying to look around "are you happy baby"

"Ahh"he puts his arms out and take him out he is almost he is 3 months almost 4 ,he smiles over at Hardin who waves over "can you see daddy"I say to him and he smiles again

Happy beginnings:Tessa and Hardin Where stories live. Discover now