Chapter 19

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Positive the test has came up positive again I take a deep breath in looking back down at the test I'm trying not to get to excited because I know the chance of the baby making it through is slim but I can't wait to tell Hardin I'll tell him after dinner

I turn the water on and let the water roll over my body once I'm clean I step out "Tessa why is the door locked"I hear Hardin "oh I didn't mean it one second"I grab the pregnancy test and throw it into the draw where Hardin never looks i have to remember to throw that out later I wrap my towel around me and open the door "Hi baby are you awake"I take Emery from him and she yawns "you ok"he raises a brow "of course I'm fine"I say sitting down on the bed "you sure"

"Hardin I'm fine don't worry"I tell him and he nods walking into the bathroom "Will we get you dressed Hunny"

"Where are we going mama"

"We are going to grandpa Vance look I got you this pretty dress you can wear"I show her her dress "pretty"she says and I help her get dressed and Hardin comes out of the bathroom showered "dada look"she twirls around "come over and I'll do your hair"I put her hair into two pigtails and stick two bows in "oh baby you look so grownup"I lift her onto my lap and I didn't even realise I was crying "mama are you sad"

"Tessa why are you crying"

"I'm just feeling emotional because Emery is grown up to fast"I dab under my eyes and Hardin hugs me "I need to get ready"I tell them "Tess you sure your ok"

"I am"I kiss him and go to get dressed

"Merry Christmas"Kim squeals "merry Christmas"I hug her "Emery you look so pretty"

"Thank you"she twirls "Thought I heard voices Merry Christmas"

"Grandpa"Emery jumps when she sees him "hello princess where's Hardin?"

"He is just parking the car he will be up now"I tell him and we go to the living room Vance and Kim has this huge apartment in Manhattan "Where's Hardin"Smith comes out he hasn't really changed much since I met him he has just got taller and looks a lot more like Hardin "he will be up now son"Vance tells him "mommy"Karina comes out "Tessa"she runs over giving me a hug "my mama"Emery says staring at her "Emery she is just giving me a hug"I tell her "oh look who finally showed up"Vance says to Hardin "oh shut up least I'm here"he jokes and we make our way into the kitchen "Tessa can I sit beside you"Karina asks me "of course"

"My seat"Emery huffs she always gets jealous when Karina seats beside me or hugs me or even just been beside me "here there is room for both"I say and sit Emery up beside me now I'm wondering what would happen if I had another baby would Emery be to jealous "Emery what would you like"Hardin ask her "no food"

"You need to have food or you get no gifts"Vance tells her she can never say no to him "that"she points to the mash potatoes "who wants wine Hardin your driven so you can't Tessa"Kim looks at me and I don't really know what to say "Hardin why don't you have a glass I'll drive home"

"No love you have it"He says "I'm just not really in the mood for wine"I look at him "fine I'll have the wine"he holds out his glass "well Tessa if you change your mind you know where it is"she laughs and everyone starts eating "more please"Emery says "dad can I go back to my room please"Smith begs Vance "just wait until everyone is done"

"Dad"he whines "fine go whatever"Vance says and Smith storms of "I'll go talk to him"Hardin gets up "Smith well he is an attitude lately"Vance says "he is just turning into a teenager"Kim tells him "Smiths always been a teenager he just has the attitude back"

"Well ate last we still have a few years until Karina is one"Kim laughs "Same with Emery but she does already have an attitude"

"I do not"she says and everyone laughs "not funny"she puts her arms out and Hardin and Smith come back out I see Vance smiling over to Hardin as he sits back down at the table "Sorry dad"he apologise "it's ok son let's just enjoy the rest of Christmas"He takes Smiths hand "daddy I want dessert"Karina says "well you can wait until dinner is finished "Mommy I want dessert"

"Listen to your dad"Kim eyes her

We all go to the living room to open gifts Emery has really been spoiled today "a baby"she says "dada open"she says and he helps her open the box "hi baby ,baby hungry"she says and holds the doll up to her chest and everyone can't stop laughing "baby you use a bottle"Hardin tells her "mamas booby"she says confused "do what ever you feel"Hardin says trying not to laugh at her and than suddenly a get a shooting pain in my stomach I'm trying to ignore it but it's getting worse I know

"I'm just going to the bathroom"I excuse myself and hurry to the bathroom I pull  down my underwear and I knew it I just knew it's was to good to be true I try my best not to cry but I can't looking down at my underwear and seen blood just shatters my heart this is why I didn't want to get my hopes up I clean myself up and there is a knock on the door "Tessa are you ok"Hardin lightly knocks on the door and it takes me a second to open it "Tess what wrong"he asks me and I just start sobbing into him and he shuts the door "Tessa clam down what happened"he holds my face up "I'm sorry"

"Sorry for what you didn't do anything"he questions "I...I found out I was pregnant but I'm not anymore"I say he doesn't say anything he just pulls me back into my chest "do you want to go home"he asks and I nod "let's go"he says and we leave the bathroom

Hardin tells everyone I just got sick I feel bad for leaving but I just want to be home "mama"Emery puts her arms up to me "are you ok baby"

"My mama"she grabs my face giving me a kiss and it just warms my heart "that's right I am your mama"I tell her we get into the car "did you not have a drink"I ask Hardin "no I didn't take any of it"he says starting the car by the time we get home Emery is asleep Hardin lifts her out and carries her inside "I'll put her to bed"he tells me and I take of my shoes sitting down on the couch and Hardin comes back out sitting beside me "do you want to talk"he asks me and I nod "I only found out two weeks ago but I didn't want to tell incase this happened and than when I took another test and it came up positive I started to get excited and I was going to tell you tonight but you seen what happened"I say and he just looks at me "Tessa I know what your thinking it's not your fault"

"It's my body"

"It may be your body but there are some things we can't control"he tells me "but aren't you mad we can't have another child"

"No we already have a perfect daughter and I'll love another if it was to happen but right now in this money I have everything I need"he takes my hand "never doubt yourself ever"our eyes meet and I just wrap my arms around him not speaking but know what each other is thinking

Happy beginnings:Tessa and Hardin Where stories live. Discover now