Chapter 2

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I have 3 months left before I leave on maternity leave Hardin thinks I should go early but I would be be board out of my mind at home and Hardin thinks everything is dangerous no I'm pregnant I shouldn't be walking alone,I shouldn't be around anything hot so he cooks all the meals which I can't really complain he is a good cook.

"Tessa how are you feeling"Kimberly meets me at the door of Vances New York building "im feeling good"

"That's good now I can tell Hardin to stop calling 5 times he has calling seeing did you get to work"she says and we both laugh "Hardin thinks just because I pregnant I shouldn't do anything he thinks anything will be dangerous for the baby"

"Wait does he not even have...never mind"Kim's face goes red "he does but not at the moment because the doctor actually said we can't for a couple of weeks"

"The doctor told me the same thing Ugh it was dreadful I pity you"she laughs.

I go up to my office and take a seat my feet have been feeling so swollen like my stomach I feel is getting bigger by the day we'll I guess that's good it means my baby is growing.

I was so into what I was reading I didn't even hear my door knock "Hardin what are you doing here"

"I brought you lunch"he hold a bag of food up and it smells delicious "mmm I'm starving"we sit down at my desk "I got you a burger and extra fries"he says and I kiss his face and he laughs good has becoming my best friend since I'm pregnant.

I take one bite of the burger and straight away I feel like it's going to come back up "Tessa are you alright you have gone wax white"I just nod my head yes I'm scared this food is going to come back up

"I'm fine"I say and he raises an eyebrow "I am your child just doesn't like hamburgers"

"My child doesn't like hamburgers"he pretends to be shocked making me laugh.

After lunch Hardin leaves and I get back to work I get a little sidetracked I found this website that sells the cutest baby clothes but I don't want to buy anything yet until I know the gender, looking at all the girls clothes is now making me really want a girl I didn't really mind but now I'm hoping it is a little girl.

I get home ably 4 from the office I know Hardin is out till late tonight at a business conference down town so Nora said she would come over to keep me company and bring little Addy with her.

I open the door for them and Addy comes straight to me she is just the cutest ever our children will only be a year apart "hi"she waves her hand "hi Addy"

"Tessa look at your bump aww I miss mine"Nora says reaching her hand out to my bump and we both feel a little kick "oh my god was that a kick"she says so excited "I think so that was my first one"

"Little baby definitely loves auntie Nora"I can't believe it I never felt the baby kick before Addy claps her hands in Excitement making us both laugh.

"I forgot to ask you Tessa are you finding out the gender?"Nora asks "we find out at the next appointment"I say "we have to have a gender reveal it will be so fun"

"I don't think we talk want that especially Hardin"

"You have to it will be so fun please Addy tell her she had to say please"

"Pwese"Addy says "fine how could I say no to that"I give in I know Nora will go over the top I know Hardin won't be that happy about it.

After some planning,baby tantrums and some good gossip Nora and Addy have left do I decided to just get into bed and wait for Hardin to come home.


I finally get home I hate business meetings there so fucking boring I rather be home with Tessa I hope she is still up.I go into the bedroom and Tessa is not the bed reading she looks so beautiful "Hardin something great happened"she says and I take a seat beside her "what love"

"The baby kicked for the first time"she tells me "oh"

"What's wrong"she questions me "I wasn't here for it I don't want to miss these things"I say to her and her eyes soften "I know but it just happened and it will happens again don't worry"she places her hand on mine "and also something else Nora wants to have a gender reveal party"

"Tessss"I whine "Hardin I don't really want to either but she was so excited"

"What exactly is going to happen at this"I ask lifting up her shirt and rubbing her stomach and she plays with my hair "I don't exactly know I just know you either pop a ballon or cut a cake and inside is pink and blue Nora will probably do a take"

"So cheesy shit than"I say and she genteelly smacks me in the head "don't swear around our child"Tessa jokes with me with I think "it's not like the baby can hear"

"Hardin the baby can hear that's why you should start talking to the baby so it's used to your voice"

"What am I meant to say"

"I don't just talk"she tells me "um ok..hi baby it's your dad just thought I would..say hi"I look to Tessa to see was that ok and she smiles at me "we are excited for you to get here but please don't hurt your mommy"I say and feel something weird "Hardin the baby kicked keep taking"

"What it did"I say shocked "yes I told you to talk to it"she says right as per usual.We lag for a few minutes and than I can hear light snores coming from Tessa I pull the blanket over her I can't believe he baby actually kicked when I spoke hopefully that's a sign the baby will like me.

I'm just not so sure about this gender reveal I don't like as corny stuff like this I would just rather me and Tessa know the gender and no one else I don't want people standing there looking at us cutting a cake or popping balloons whatever shit Tessa was on about.

You better not be doing something over the top for this gender reveal I text Nora

You will just have to wait and see 🥳


Hardin..... this women she is like Tessa knows how to get under your skin and she always gets under mine

All jokes aside I'm going to make this really special for yous to I know what yous like don't worry☺️

Thank you I know it will mean a lot to Tessa I feel like me and Nora are almost like brother and sister as bicker all the time but I have to admit I do really like Nora she is great for Landon and she is great to Tessa

Happy beginnings:Tessa and Hardin Where stories live. Discover now