Chapter 13

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I wake up and I don't feel that bad that I did earlier but Hardin and Emery aren't here I check my phone and he hasn't texted god knows where they are at least I have some alone time I go and run a shower I Emer like alcohol and sex I feel disgusting I step out of my clothes and step under the water and just let the hot water go over my body I scrub my body all over and than rinse my hair out I turn the water of and step out wrapping my towel around me and just as I get out I hear the door open "Tessa you up"I hear Hardin call and I walk out of the bathroom "mama"Emery puts her arms out to me "what did you get"I ask her when she holds out a bear "wow did you get a new toy"I ask her and she nods her head yes "where did yous go"I ask him and he looks like he is hesitant to tell me something "we went to the mall and than somewhere else"

"Where?"I question him "well I have been hiding something"he says what could he be hiding I go into the bedroom sitting on the bed and he follows in "o bought something something...big"

"Hardin I don't understand what your saying"I say to him sitting Emery down "I bout a house well a townhouse "

"A house when"

"A few weeks ago"he says and I don't really know what to say "are you mad"

"no I'm not mad why would I be but why"I ask him "I seen it and it was perfect I knew by stepping inside"

"Can I see it"I ask him I'm now curious to see it and he takes out his phone "did you really think I would be mad"I ask him "well I don't know it's not everyday I buy a house"he says tapping into his camera roll and he scrolls through the photos explains what each room his and I smile and Emery smiling in all the photos "Emery did you like the house"I ask her and she nods " when do you want to move out of here?"I ask him "well it has no furniture we could bring the furniture from here"he suggest "I think I want new furniture everything fresh"I look beside me and Emery is asleep so me and Hardin both leave the room "I can't wait for you to see it"he puts his arm around my shoulder "me too I'm excited but stressed I need to start planning"

"Why are you stressed"

"Because if we are getting all new furniture we need to decide on furniture and paint endless things need to be done"I huff "Tessa we don't need to stress"

5 days later

Hardin was right I do love the house every little bit of it I have been coming here everyday with paint samples and floor samples and Emery is moving into her own room well we will try and see how she is going her room is the only almost done been painted we decided to to pink for her room "Emery are you almost crawling"I look over at her and I can tell she wants to she is trying to reach her toys and I finish painting the wall and when I turn around Emery is in a different spot than she was a moment ago "Em baby did you crawl"I say to her and she comes towards me "oh my god your crawling"I put the paintbrush down and hurry over to her "high five baby"i high five her and she does it back I can't believe she has crawled "Anyone home"I hear Hardin call "In Emery rooms"

"Hello my princess" "Emery crawled"I say so excited
"She crawled and I missed it get her to do it again"he says "I don't know how to get her to do it again I was just painting and she did it"I place her down on the ground moving her away around me and Hardin "come on baby come to mam"I put my arms out "Go to dada"I say and she just stares at us both "Tessa are you sure she crawled "why would I lie"

"Emery come here come here I have sweets"Hardin says to her and she turns her head not having any of it "don't worry she will do it again"I tell him and he lifts her up and I continue painting till I'm done

Happy beginnings:Tessa and Hardin Where stories live. Discover now