Chapter 39

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I can already fell the jet leg as we arrive in London I rented a car because it's just easier with loading our stuff Tessa brought the whole house with her.The kids are now asleep so that means they know are going to be up all night great

"Are you ok"Tessa puts her hand in mine "I'm fine"I give her a smile she always worries about me when we come to London and to be true it doesn't anymore like it uses to when I was younger "here we are now"I pull up outside my mums house and I see the door swing open and my mum runs out and me and Tessa get out of the car and she grabs us both "oh how happy I am to see you Tessa you wouldn't even think you just gave birth"


"She looks fantastic where are my grand babies"she asks "they are both alseep still"Tessa tells her and we walk over to the car and I open the door and lift Emery out "look how big she has gotten oh my goodness"Tessa goes to the other side taking Auden into her arms "he is so precious Hardin he looks just like you"My mums voice breaks "mum don't cry"

"Hardin"Tessa says sorry he is just the most perfect little thing I have ever seen"she says and we all walk inside and I place Emery down on the couch "are made you both tea and coffee"she carries out a tray placing it on the coffee table "thank you trish"Tessa says and Emery sits up "where am I"

"We are in London baby"I sit beside her and she rest her head in my lap "hi darling"

"Hi..grandma trish"she yawns smiling and my mum hugs her "your more beautiful than the last time I seen you"and she sits up "that's because I'm 7 in two days daddy I'm still so sleepy"she yawns again and my mum kisses her and Auden sneezes in his sleep "I can't get over him"Mum says and I hear Emery huff and I nudge her "his little nose and his dark hair just like yours Hardin"

"I know he looks just like him my mini Hardin"Tessa kisses him "I'm excusing my self"Emery leaves well stomps out of the room and Tessa looks to me "is she ok"my mum asks "I think she is getting jealous of Auden she wasn't really at the beginning but the last few days she has been"Tessa tells her "oh I see"
"I'll go try talk to her"I leave the room

"Emery where are you"I call her and hear steps running up the stairs and I follow her "Emery what's wrong"I ask her and she plays with her hair "it's isn't fair"

"What isn't fair"

"Auden gets all the attention"she says "he doesn't"

"Yes he does we where talking about my birthday and he just sneezed and the attention went straight to him I sneeze all the time"

"It's just because he is a baby he is learning new things"I try explain "I learned to count to ten in Spanish and french that's new and you didn't even know because your to focused on Auden"

"When did you learn that"

"I seen it on my iPad"she just stares at me "I'm sorry darling I don't want you to feel left out we don't do it on purpose you know you will always be my princess"I tell her and she smiles "promise"

"I promise and do you promise that I will always be the only man you will ever love"

"What if I get married"

"Your not aloud to get married"I tell her no boys will be aloud near her "ok fine if that means I get to live with you and mommy forever"

"Ok deal"I put my hand out and she shakes it "deal"

Happy beginnings:Tessa and Hardin Where stories live. Discover now