Chapter 25

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Shit I try swerve away from the car in front but my car starts to spin uncontrollably and next thing I know I hear Emery scream as my cars hits into the car in the next lane and my car flips u, all I can hear is ringing bells in my ear and I try to focus "Emery are you ok"I say trying to turn to see her but I can't really move and a car moves a tiny bit and I do panic "I want to get out"she starts to cry and I try reach my hand back to her "it's ok baby don't be scared we will be out soon are you hurt"I say her and I hear her sniffle "a little bit I think my leg is sore I'm bleeding"

"Don't cry baby"all I want to do is hug her right now

"I'm just scared"I can see flashing lights approaching "look Emery we will get out soon there here to help"I say and the car creeks "ahhh daddy"
"Hello sit can you here me"I flashlight shines through the window "I can"
"Ok who else is in the car"

"My daughter is in the back"I tell him "we are going to try get yous out"

"Get my daughters out first" "are we getting out now"

"We are baby don't worry ok these man are going to help you out than daddy is going to get out straight after so don't be scared ok be a brave girl"

"Ok daddy I'll try"

I can hear a few people at the back of the car and the door comes first "can you tell us your name"I hear them ask Emery "Emery"

"Ok Emery we are going to get you out my friend here is going to catch you when I unbuckle your seat"he explains to her and after a few seconds I hear her get out of the car thank god now I'm just waiting for me to get out

I'm finally out of the car and I'm brought over to the ambulance and Emery is sitting inside she was right she was bleeding "daddy thank god I was getting scared"she says and I sit down beside her "is she ok"

"She has some swelling at the side of her head and some bruises on her chest and neck from the seatbelt and I think her leg is fractured "the paramedic tells me "we are going to bring yous to the hospital for observation"tells us looking at my headand Emery takes my hand "does mommy know where we are"shit Tessa she is going to freak out I check my pockets but my phone isn't there damn it "I lost my phone I will have to call her at the hospital"

The doors shut and we are driven to the hospital a wheel chair is pushed out and I sit Emery on my lap "how long do we have to be here"she whispers to me as we make our way inside "not long they just need to make sure we are ok"we are brought into a room with two beds I get up on one and Emery is lifted  up on another as they check us both

"Your going to need stitches on the left side of your head"the doctor tells me "we can do it now it will only take 5 minutes"he tells me once he is done "we are going to need to bring Emery for a X ray of her leg"the doctor says and Emery looks to me scared

"Can I come with her"I ask and they nod wheeling her bed down the long corridor "it's fractured right here"he points to the screen "will I be able to walk"

"Of course you will but you will have to wear a boot for a couple of weeks"

"I'm going to look so silly"Emery says "you won't love"I try tell her and they put the boot onto her foot.We go back to the room and I forgot I haven't rang Tessa

"daddy can I come over to your bed"Emery asks me

"Of course princess"I lift her over to my bed "I'm tired"she yawns "I'm going to ring mummy ok are you alright until I get back I'll be two minutes"I say and she nods and I go find a phone

"Oh Hardin thank god yous are gone hours where are yous"she says straight away when I answer the phone "we where in a accident"

"An accident what do yous mean are you ok"I can hear the panic in her voice "my car it flipped where at the hospital"

Happy beginnings:Tessa and Hardin Where stories live. Discover now