Chapter 37

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I get out of bed because I can hear Auden crying I go into mommy and daddy's room but their not there I go over to Auden's crib "shhh it's ok"I try my best to get him to stop but he doesn't "peek a boo peek a boo"he kinda stops crying he just stares at me "your ok little man"I wipe his cheek that's what daddy's says "is everything ok"I hear daddy and I jump and than Auden starts crying "oh no daddy I'm so sorry I didn't mean to"I cut Audens cheek by accident "I was just trying to wipe his tears and than I start to cry I'm going to get in so much trouble

"Emery don't worry"daddy says "it was only an accident I promise"

"It's ok it was an accident Emery that happens"he says "are you sure but what about Auden"

"It's just a little scrape baby's scrape themselves all the time"he gives me a hug "see look he is fine now"daddy takes him out "ok but I'm still really sorry"I say again as we walk out of the room "I promise you darling it's ok he is fine aren't you little man"he says and Auden smiles "how old is Auden now"

"8 weeks old so 2 months"daddy says and Auden starts crying again "I know what's wrong Auden is hungry"Daddy says taking a bottle out of the fridge "here you go buddy"he tries to feed him "Auden wants mommy's boob"

"That's disgusting"I still can't get over that Auden sucks from mommy's boob "you did it"daddy tells me "that's even worst yuck"I shake my head and the front door opens "sorry I'm back I know Auden is probably starving good morning"mommy kisses me and takes Auden of daddy "what happened to Auden cheek"mommy asks and I look at daddy "he was crying and Emery was helping him but she cut him by accident"daddy tells her "she got upset over it"

"Emery you don't need to be upset you where just trying to help him"mommy sits down and starts to feed him "when will Auden start to talk or walk he is boring"I tell them "he is still only a little baby in a couple of months he will start doing that won't you"mommy looks at him "well it's my birthday next month and I'm going to be 7"

"That's right and next week you start 2nd grade"daddy reminds me "do I need to get school supplies"I ask hoping mommy already got them I hate shopping "I got them Hunny don't worry"

"Oh thank god"I say and my parents laugh "oh Emery your to funny"daddy wraps his arms around me "we have to start planning our trip soon"Mommy says to daddy "what trip"

"We are going to visit grandma in London"mommy tells me "we'll we might be there for Emery's birthday"Mommy says looking at her phone but I don't mind grandma trish always gets me lots of presents "we need to get him a passport"

"I think actually Emery's is about to expire so we will need to get them both"she sits Auden up and starts to burp him "daddy do you know what grandma told me"

"What is that"

"That you where a bold boy"

"Me never"he looks at mommy and they both smile "why would she lie"

"You and grandma are just gossipers like your mum"

"We are not"me and mommy say at the same time "o hues yous are yous can't keep a secret"he says and his phone starts to ring "I'll be back now"he leaves the room "Emery look Auden is smiling at you"mommy says "mommy he is still just so small I want him to grow"

"I don't don't I want him to stay like this"

"Did you want me to stay a baby"

"I did but than I see how wonderful you are as a big girl I love to see you grow"she says mommy always says really nice things to me

Happy beginnings:Tessa and Hardin Where stories live. Discover now