3} The Type Of Boyfriend Is

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> Makes you breakfast
> Give his t shirts and sweatpants
> Kiss your neck
> Heated makeouts
> Loud arguments
> Cute texts/emoji texts
> Being in some of his videos with him and Ethan
> Getting easily jealous
> Wearing matching beanies
> He'd send you flowers, cute messages and chocolates
> Go on long walks
> Listen and share different music
> Goes through all the trouble to see you
> Takes a lot of pictures of you when you doing something random; even though you don't like pictures people taking pictures of you
> He leaves his bottle of cologne when he goes away for you
> Walking around in just a t shirt and knickers
> Touches your butt
> You have your own drawer for your own clothes at his house
> Kisses you on the top of your head when he hugs you
> Roll around in bed with your legs intertwined with his
> Make brownies together and watch Netflix
>He'd hold your hair back when your sick
> He'd buy the new film or book you've been going on about
> Tug your hair when you make out


> He takes you on expensive dates
> Buy you jewellery
> Give you his jacket when you're cold
> Sing you songs
> He would be sweet and always give you flowers and forehead kisses
> He calls you princess
> When he holds your hand he swings your arms back and fourth
> Text each other until early in the morning
>You cuddle and kiss a lot!
> He always tells you how much he adores you
> He treats you like a Queen
> Silly arguments
> Tight hugs
> He always makes you smile
> He loves you more than anything
> Kisses you when you cry
> Stands by your side until you decide otherwise
> He plays with your hair a lot and strokes your head (not in a creepy way lmao)
> Get coffee together
> Take dumb, silly pictures
> Go to the pictures a lot
> Sing aloud together
> He'd have a playlist on his phone with all of your favourite songs

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