30} Run Away - Ethan

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Warning: unedited


Your POV:

"We can't be together. You understand that right?" Ethan says to you, as he cups your hands his his, your back is pressed against the wall which is around the corner from your house.

"Yes." You say, but you didn't. You didn't understand why you couldn't be together. Just because you are from an upper class family and he wasn't.

"Good, now go before we get caught." He hurries you, as he kisses your lips again and again.

"But, when will I see you next?"

"Tomorrow, under the bridge." Ethan kisses your nose before running off into the darkness.


You both are better left unspoken in the million miles apart. With him gone, there is nothing left to fight for.

He left you, after your families found out. His family fled, far away from your angry and disappointed family. Leaving you broken and alone.

"Darling, get to sleep now. It's nearly 10 o'clock and you have to get up early." Your mother says from the door as she pulls back the duvet before you slip inside, lifting your nightie up a bit as you climb inside.

Your mother sits on your bed, her hand caresses your forehead, closing your eyelids before kissing your forehead and standing up.

"Goodnight, y/n." She says in disgust, the irony seeping from her as she exits your room.


Laying in your bed, your eyes stare at the ceiling, eyes following the cracks in it. Biting down on your lip to try and stop the tears which are threatening to fall. As the lights in the hallway turn off and the maids scurry to their rooms, you stand from your bed, holding onto the White wooden pole attached to your bed. When your feet hit the soft carpet you slip on your slipper boots then tip toe the the chest of white draws. Everything in your room was white, unfortunately.

You open one of the draws and root around, your hand hits the White and gold [a/n: black & blue] box which holds the letter, ring and pendant. Holding the box to your chest you walk back to your bed to sit down.

Opening the box you are stare at your possessions. Your thumb hovers the letter before picking it up and unfolding it. The sides had bent and crumpled but it was still so precious.

Written in scribbled, messy handwriting is his goodbye. The goodbye which left you completely devastated.

Dear Y/n,
I'm sorry it had to be like this, I didn't intend it to be. I knew I would have to leave this town, however I thought I would have left with you by my side.

My parents and I are moving to New York and we're going to be staying in a shitty flat where they're going to look for jobs, which won't be very successful. I'm going to go to a school in Manhattan which you would love since it's near Manhattan Park, the park which we talked about going together to see it.

Please don't come after me. You need someone better, richer, I'm not good enough for you. Someone who can by you expensive clothes and jewellery. Not a ring from a thrift store and a pendant that has been passed down from generations.

You're everything to me, my breathe, my pain, my happiness, my heart. I can't be without you and I spend every second of my day thinking about you, hoping you're okay. I'll always look after you, even if I am miles away.

I've done many fucked up things in my life. Many that I have not told you since I was scared that you would leave me..

Before I met you I was waste. I slept with any girl I laid my eyes on and my family were struggling with money and were depressed after my brother took his life.
After he died I didn't care about anything, I betted on and made sex tapes with girls to ruin their lives. I was a bad person before I met you. A complete asshole. But you have made me want to be good. I want to be good for you.

Just because we can't be together doesn't mean I won't love you. I love you no matter what and I would do anything for your love. I cannot replace the memories of us together, and I am so glad you were apart of my life.

I love you always.

- Your Ethan

He had left it under your pillow before he had left. It broke your heart, for days you cried while your mother told you 'shut up, he's a worthless boy. No good for you, you need a man.'

Ethan had given you his school name and address, your eyes widened at the idea, as you grab your laptop from underneath your bed. Opening the top to turn it on, you search his school, looking at the opening and closing times, 7:30am - 3:35pm. Then look search his address which wasn't far from his school. Hopping off your be, you dig in your bag, rooting for your purse. You had enough money for a few train tickets.

Grinning from ear to ear you grab your night bag, stuffing it clothes that you would need, not caring about the creases from not folding them. You slip out of your nightie, and shove on your nearest jeans, t shirt and jumper. Then walking you over to your closet to get your coat before putting on your shoes, after you tie your hair up in a pony. Your mother would scrunch her nose at you if she saw you, shrugging your shoulder you grab you night bag and back pack.

1:25 am

Your clock reads, your parents would be getting up in five hours which gave you enough time to sneak out of your window.


Tugging your coat tighter around you, you sink further into your sit at the train bobs along the train track. You hold your train ticket in your hand as you look out of the window, only seeing the darkness of the night sky. With a sigh, you close your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest.

[a/n: Idek this sucks. Buttt ITS TUESDAY!!! Any guesses on what the video is going to be about??
QOTD: who's your favourite Twin??
~ I change my mind all the time, I would date both tbh
- Ella]

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