68} Halloween Special (E&G)

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WARNING: gore, violence, blood, psychos & a bit of swearing

Please don't think I'm mad in the head by writing what you may be about to read, I'm not I just watch a lot of movies😂

Your POV:

The light from the TV shines on your face as your eyes are glued to the screen which plays a gory horror; Saw. It was Halloween and since you weren't invited to any of the Halloween parties you decided to entertain yourself by eating all the trickle treaters sweets while watching horror films, however your Mum was out trickle or treating with y/b/n / y/s/n and your Dad was away on a buissness trip so you were alone in the house.

You were pulled away from the edge gripping film as the door bell rang through out your house, with an annoyed groan you stand walking towards the door. Peering out of your door, no one seems to be around and your stomach twists, looking around your front garden, pumpkins littering the grass. Shrugging your shoulders, you close the door, a frown etched on your face before turning around however suddenly you jump, clutching the door behind you as you squeak in fright.

"Trick or treat." A dark figure stands in front of you, there clothing all black apart from the most terrifying mask which covers their identity and a knife shines in your direction as they cock their head to the side.

"How did you get in here?" You find you voice, trying to look for the nearest item to use for self defence if the person aims to attack you. Their swift movements give you whiplash, as they twirl the knife in their bloody hands.

"Trick," they pause getting closer to you, their black shoes stomping loudly on your wooden floor and the clock loudly ticks. "Or," they're only one step away from you and you spot the umbrella beside the table which you leave your keys upon however they're missing. "Treat." Hands push you against your door, hissing in pain from the force you try to reach for the umbrella as the man moves the knife against your skin however failing to do so.

Your heart races in your chest as their mask looks right at you as hot tears begin to fall from your eyes. Things like this never happen here, so why you? Why now? And who is this?

"Let's play a game shall we?" Their muffled laughter is heard beneath the ugly mask before their hand clamps the back of your neck. "Gray!"

He pushes you towards your basement door as another person comes, Gray. Your knees begin to shake as one opens the door to darkness and pushes you inside, bashing your head on the steps, scraping your knee before it all goes black.


"Why did you fucking push her, you dick'ead?!" Faint voices fill your head as you stir out of sleep, dizziness and pain waking you up as you open your eyes to two burred figures.

"Well why didn't you give me a signal when you were acutally going to go in the house?!" Another louder voice booms.

"Shut up, she's waking up."

"It's play time."


Your arms are held down by rope as are your legs, pain injects into you as your skin makes contact with the unsmooth rope. A bright light shines upon you as you try to figure out where you are, your basement. Suddenly memories of before play in your head, your eyes widen as you search around the room for your captures however not finding them.

"Did you have a nice sleep, Dollface." A voice whispers from behind you and you yelp in fear, looking down at your clothes as you realise you've changed from your normal clothes to doll-like clothes.

"I'm Ethan," He walks in front of you, their pale faces looking right at you.

"I'm Grayson, but you have to call us master, got it babe?" Grayson spits taking the knife that his twin brother was holding before pountins it to you and you sheepishly nod.

"We better sort that smile out first, no one likes a doll who frowns do we?" Ethan laughs, picking up the pumpkin carving knife which lays underneath his foot and he puts the cold metal against your cheek. "Now this will hurt a lot so scream if you want us to keep going." He snickers before digging the tip of your knife into your cheek causing you to let out a cry of pain, the tears already falling as Grayson does the same however dragging the knife down to meet your lips and both knives grazing your tongue. Hot blood oozes onto your dress and even splutter ontontheir smiling faces.

"Oh you want more?" Grayson laughs as you scream again, you try to pull off the ropes, trying to kick them but it's no use, the ropes are tied too tight. He goes to cut your lips however Ethan stops him with a firm push.

"Don't, they're too kissable." He leans in pressing a hard, rough kiss to your bloody lips as he licks some of your blood before pulling away and looking at you with a smirk.

"You know I bet she would taste so good." Grayson moans thinking of it makes you scrunch your nose in disgust. "Fuck yes!" He says before taking the knife close to your index finger, lifting the knife and slicing your finger as you cry in horror wanting to get out of this situation or hoping that this is a nightmare.

Bringing your finger up to his mouth as blood continues to pool out of your knuckle, his teeth sink into your finger, ripping off the flesh with a moan and it he eats it all, only leaving the bone and nail.

"Good?" Ethan asks Grayson as vomit rises up from your throat and you empty your stomach into your lap.

"Mhmm, very." He looks at you as if he could eat all of your flesh.

"Gray pass me that can opener." Ethan asks and you try to speak however the slits in your cheeks failing you to do so.

Grayson reaches for the can opener on top of the washing basket and you fear what they will do to you next.

"Want to see what a brain looks like?.."

[a/n: just a short little thing for you all for Halloween. I didn't want to carry on and I'm not doing Part 2 because I don't want you guys thinking I'm a nuthead soo.. Be safe, happy Halloween and have a lovely day !
- Ella x]

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