45} Ethan Imagine For Melanie

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For: @mel_xoxo1313

He talks you out of being bad


"Melanie!" Ethan yells at you as the police let you go. "Why would you try steal something? Am I not giving you enough?!" He exclaims as you both walk out of the police station, you rolling your eyes at his annoying attitude.

"Ethan, it was a joke." You sigh, taking long strides to try and get further away from his non stop complaining.

"Well this joke got you arrested and you nearly had to stay for the night if it weren't for me." A frown is etched on his face, not once in the long time knowing him had you seen Ethan so disappointed in you, only if he knew the other crimes you had been breaking.

"Well I'm out now, right?" You say, throwing your arms up at him from behind. You hear his stomping footsteps on the wet concrete get nearer, as you both make your way home.

Before you can take another long stride, his hand wraps around your wrist, pulling you back into his chest.

"Let me go!" You shout, fighting against his strong hold as his arms wrap around you, keeping you against his toned chest.

"Stop fighting against me, Melanie. You know you won't win." He says impatiently in your ear. He's right, you were too tired and weak against his strong, built body.

The streets were quiet, only the sound of cars passing by and the faint sound of televisions in the houses which surrounded you both.

"Come on, and don't fight against me." He growls, taking ahold of your hand in his. You wince as his hand brushed against the small cuts on your fingers from breaking some glass when you were trying to escape the security. "I don't know why you did this." His head hangs, looking at your moving feet as they pat on the ground.

"Because, it's who I am." You argue back. "I've always done this, I've always been this." You say nearly embarrassed that he doesn't want you being like this.

"I know and I'm trying to understand you but you make it so hard. You push me away every time I try to help you." He whimpers, his thumb drawing circles on the back of your palm as you both carry on walking.

"I don't need any help. I'm fine the way I am." Sighing, you stop as you feel your knees start to collapse beneath you and you release Ethan's arm to sit on the curb on the pavement.

"Your not fine. Fine isn't needing to shoplift or to break into someone's house!" He's shouting now, and you can here the want in his voice, you can see the sadness in his eyes. "You're better than this. I want to buy you things, I don't want you to steal them!" He exclaims kneeling on the road in front of you.

"I-" You start, but you can't find the words as he yells at you.

"I care about you and I love you. I love you, Melanie and if that isn't enough, I don't know what is. I'm supposed to protect you, I'm supposed to keep you away from everything bad." His eyes start to water and your mouth turns into a frown as you fiddle with your fingers in your lap.

"You can't protect me from everything." You say quietly, reaching my thumb up to wipe away the single tear which at fell.

"I can try." His eyebrows furrow and he envelopes your hand with his. "Now promise me, you'll never do it again." He looks into your eyes, holding your hands tightly.

"I can't.." You whimper, shaking your head.

"Promise me, I don't want you getting hurt." Another tear falls from his eye and runs along his jaw before falling onto your hand.

"I promise." You say, you head hanging low as he kisses the top of your head. "I promise." You repeat before he hooks his fingers under chin, lifting it up and placing a hard kiss on you lips. You can taste his salty tears as he kisses you harder, the kiss full of lust.

[a/n: I'm sorry if it wasn't how you wanted it <33
The part where it says 'you can't protect me from everything' 'I can try' is from Dark so yeah idk
Do you guys like the new cover??
All the love - Ella]

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