46} Ethan Imagine For Kianna

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For: @thinkoutloud122


You Have a Argument W/ Him
(Idk if its classed as an argument/fight but it's fucking hot and turning me on lmao)


Your POV:

"Who was he, Kianna?" Ethan growls in your ear as he pushes you against the wall, his jealously scares you, making you whimper as your back hits the wall.

"Nobody." You cry out, afraid that he will hurt you in his angry state. You bottom lip quivers and your eyes start to water.

"Bullshit." He shouts, punching the wall beside your head and you let out a yelp, jumping and your hand reaches out against the wall. "Tell me, did he touch you? Did he hurt you?" He asks but it sounds more like an order. When you don't answer, he punches the wall again. "Fucking tell me, Kianna!"

"He didn't do anything wrong, Ethan!" You find you voice, pushing his hard body back with all the strength you have. "He's my fucking ex, of course he's going to talk to me!" You shout, brushing past him and walking into your shared bedroom.

"That doesn't mean you can talk to him." His deep voice booms around the apartment and you wish to run away from it in fear but you stay put, not wanting to show weakness as he follows you.

"I can do whatever the fuck I want, you can't tell me what I can and can't do." You walk over to your wardrobe, taking out a t shirt and fluffy pants.

"I fucking can, Kianna. You're mine." He walks over to you, taking hold of the clothes which you had just gotten and throwing them on the king sized bed.

"Even if I am yours, you still can't. I don't control you because you're mine." You explain, huffing to pick up the thrown clothes and taking your tight black dress off leaving you in your black strapless bra and black knickers.

"I'm not yours." He spits and you frown. You both had been fighting over the same subject for weeks. Him refusing to be yours yet you had to be his.

"That's not fair, Ethan." You shake your head, putting on the pants.

"Your going off the fucking subject." He rakes his fingers through his hair in anger. "I don't want you to talk to him." He shouts bitterly.

"I've known him all my life, I'm not going to suddenly stop talking to him because you told me to." You pull the t shirt over your head, his cologne engulfing you as you realise it's his t shirt but you're too embarrassed to take it off since he has already noticed it's his.

"I don't care if you've known him all your life!" He holds onto a glass statue which his mother bought him for Christmas and then throws it on the floor, his jaw is clenched and his nose is scrunched. You cry out, jumping away to avoid cutting your bare feet.

"Get out!" You shout, pointing to the door and you hear him let out a harsh sigh.

He walks over to the wardrobe which you had recently opened to get out your clothes. He takes out a pair of black gym shorts, a plain black t shirt and a pair of black trainers. He shoves them into his gym bag and slides it onto his shoulder, his jaw still clenched and eyes still full of anger.

"I'm going to the gym, to let off some steam." He pauses, lifting his hand and pinching his bottom lip between his thumb and index finger. "Don't wait up." He turns around walking to the door.

"I wasn't even expecting you to come back." You bite the inside of your cheek, watching him leave as the muscles in his back show beneath his tight t shirt.


Okay it's finished but just imagine Ethan working out in the gym and letting off steam because of your recent argument. When he punches the punch bag he's imaging the bastard who was talking to you and every time he lifts his weights he imagines the asshole touch you and he gets so jealous and worked up and then he comes home to you and pushes you against the wall attacking your lips before taking you upstairs to fuck the shit out of you. Okay yeah that's it

[a/n: hopes you liked itttt
All the love - Ella]

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