69} Mornings (E)

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Your POV:

The wave of tiredness was still washing over you as you buried your head further into the soft white pillow that was stuffed full of feathers and Ethan's heavy arm rested over your back. His head cuddled into the crook of your neck as his messy hair lay flat upon your pillow, his eyes staying softly closed before slowly fluttering open.

"Goodmorning." Ethan grin sloppily smiles and you opened your eyes wider to wash away the tiredness before turning onto your side to face him.

Ethan's face was pale, his hand was covering it and he pulled your body further against his as he let out a deep groan of tiredness. The hotel room in which you had stayed in was still dark however the sun beamed past the sides of the curtains, causing your eyes to squint at the harsh light.

"You're not supposed to be here." You grin as you run your fingers through his soft hair and you remember Ethan sneaking into your room last night after claiming he couldn't sleep.

"But I am." He pulls the covers up to his chin and let's out a heavy sigh in exhaustion. "Cuddle me." A pout forms on his pink lips and you laugh at his sleepy behaviour as you reach your hand out to pull his bottom lip down with your finger.

"No." You protest before sitting up causing him to let out another groan. "You need to go before your Mom or Grayson comes in."

"But I'm lonely without you." Ethan admits, one eye opening to look at you and his arms stretches out to roughly pull you back into the dip of the bed causing you to let out a yelp.

"Ethan!" You squeal as your laughs echo throughout the room and you lay over his sleeping body.

"Come back to bed with me, Y/N." He pretends to cry as you step out of bed, his arm weakly laying out of the covers where you lay before and you desperately want to climb back into bed with him.

Being on tour meant that it was hard to get sleep and when we finally could it was difficult to get out of bed.

"Meanie." His childish behaviour causes a smile to break out on your face as you shake your head and he reaches over to pick his phone up from the wooden bedside table.

Before you could make your way to Ethan's side of the bed, he had already put on a playlist of his named 'Y/N' which he had made when you were at school studying and he was on tour without you. Your favourite song blasted through the bluetooth speaker and you cringed at the loud sound at such an early time.

"Please, Y/N." His pleads turn into begs as his hand reaches out for yours and you finally give in as you climb over his body to slip back under the covers.

Ethan's body was warm, homely and safe as his arms protectively wrap around your body as you cuddle into his bare front, the air outside feeling too cold to touch it again. The music plays softly as you close your eyes and his harsh stubble presses into your soft cheeks.

You wanted to stay here forever, in his arms for as long as possible however you had to go back to school soon and he had to carry on with the tour.

"I wish we could stay here." Ethan speaks, his voice still deep with sleepiness as he begins to fiddle with your fingers and you listen to the steady sound of his heartbeat.

"I wish we could too." You sigh, not wanting to break the peace and having to go outside.

The past weeks had been hectic for the both of you and being with him finally felt so good. However it would have to end soon.

Slow music plays and you recognise the familiar song. The song you and Ethan would always sing on road trips or when you couldn't sleep and he would sing to you even though he was practically tone death. You found it relaxing and you smiled at the memories that came with it.

You knew you were slowly falling in love with him as he drew soft circles on your skin with his gentle finger, humming along to the music. His other hand running over your hair before you place a sweet kiss on his naked chest.

Mornings like this were precious and deserved to be cherished.

[a/n: I'm going to be writing for this book again this year!
- comment what you thought
- I'm going to be doing personal ones too!
All the love - ella]

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