50} You Save Him - Grayson

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[a/n: I'm tired of reading books and watching movies where the guy always has to save the girl and I think the girls need to women up and save their man instead

Your POV:

You tug your jacket close to your body, trying to block the cold air from hitting your shaking body as you make your way to the park where Grayson had previously texted you, asking for you to come.
The text seemed urgent and the situation will probably be serious since he asked to meet at one in the morning.

When you finally reach the park, you can barely see past the swings as the sun had already set at nine. But you still try to look for him, however you find it possible. Not wanting to shout out in case someone else was here so you call him. He picks up on the third ring.

"Hello love." An unfamiliar voice rasps down the phone and your facial expression instantly drops to the floor leaving you gulping and afraid.

"Who is this?" You ask, your voice sounding shaking as you cross you arm over your waist as if to protect you from the weird feeling of being watched and you try to shake the feeling off.

The man ignores your question.

"Come to Royden Alleyway, your pretty boy is waiting for you." He laughs and then the line goes dead. You stand, weak at the knees as your heart pounds in your throat. The feeling of worry and anger passing over you as you walk out of the park and towards the alleyway.

You know this wasn't right. 'Don't listen to strangers' your mum used to always say, what would she think if she knew that you were walking towards a dark alleyway to find your boyfriend where a strange man has told you to go.


The alleyway seemed empty as you peered behind the chipped, red brick wall, your breathing was unsteady and you tried to keep it calm. You rub your sweaty palms on the back of your blue denim jeans before walking down and into the dark alley.

The sound of your converse, patting on the damp concrete as you walk is all you can hear apart from the hushed voices in the far distance. Your breathing picks up in fear as your eyes lay on the standing figure in front of you.

The manly, dark shadow moves on their feet, the object in their hand becoming more obvious. A knife. You suck in the cold air as your hands move to your jacket, fiddling with the zip. It was a nervous habit and right now you were a nervous wreck. The back of your neck felt damp, a lump was stuck in your throat and it felt like there was no air around you.

Before you could cowardly retreat, two big hands clasp your arms together behind your back and you're forcefully pressed against the rigid brick wall. You groan in pain and the agony shoots through you, your head throbbing and you're sure your head is probably bleeding.

"Would you look at this, Grayson. Your little bird has come to save your weak arse." The man darkly chuckles, kicking the laying body on the floor and they cry out. You gasp as the man swings his arm and his fist knocks against Grayson's face.

"Stop!" You weakly shout, crying as the man pushes you further into the wall, he turns your head to face Grayson, forcing you to watch.

The two men laugh as the first throws his knife up in the air and then catches it by the handle. His finger skims across the blade and the moon reflects off the shining object, causing it the flash in your eye.

The cold air makes your throat dry and the saliva in your mouth to evaporate. Breathing heavily, the man with the knife gives it to the grim looking guy who is holding you against the wall.

"Do whatever you like with her." He chuckles walking back to Grayson and kicking him in the stomach, the force causing Grayson to curl up clutching his stomach. The blood on his lips drips from his chin to the bloody puddle on the cold concrete.

"Don't. Touch. Her." Grayson manages to cough out however his little talking has made blood drip out of his mouth.

"Shut up." The man angrily kicks Grayson again in the same spot as before. His head then turns to you and the man who still has hold of you, a smirk rises on his face and he leaves wailing Grayson. "Now, you." He starts, his beer smelling breathe burns your nose and you crinkle your it upwards.

"Don't even dare touching me." You growl, trying to fight the man who has now tightened the grip he has on you.

"Dares are for kids darling, we will do anything we like." He chuckles as his dirty fingers wrap around your chin, moving your head towards his.

"Get off me you psycho freak!" You spit as his beer breathe fans your fans, his dark, bruised lips brushing across yours before he fully presses onto you. His tongue darting into your mouth and sick rises up your stomach.

Before you could think about what you were doing you use all your strength to push the man off you, making him stumble back and you dig your elbow into the mans rib age behind you. As he lets go off your strong frame you lift your up to kick him in his crotch. Moving towards the drunken man who is struggling to stand with a sloppy man, you raise your fist and punch him with all your strength.

"Don't ever touch my boyfriend again." You whisper before spitting on his passed out body.


"Sit still." You groan as Grayson hisses, not agreeing to you washing his bloody face as he sat on the bath tub.

"Sorry." He rolls his eyes still annoyed that you are cleaning him up.

After that he never flinched once, he only starred at your face making you feel uncomfortable as he fiddled with his fingers in his lap. However you break his stare when you turn to open the cupboards above the sink to get some plasters.

"Take off your t-shirt, please" you squeak as you set the box of plasters beside you on the floor.

He slips off his shirt and you gasp as you look at his purple stomach. Shaking your head, your heads cover your mouth as you inspect his sore.

"Don't worry, it doesn't hurt." He says calmly as if the amount of damage the two men done to his skin means nothing.

"I worry about you a lot." You say as you press the cold flannel back to his skin. "I don't know why you even wanted to start a fight."

"I didn't start it, I only made them angry."

"And how did you make them angry?"

"I was asking where you were, I missed you. I wouldn't stop talking about you. I was drunk so I thought you wouldn't mind taking me home. Then these guys heard me talking to myself about you and thought that I was messed up and shit. I don't know I can't really remember most of it, I was drunk and it was all fucked up. But you were so fucking hot, shit!" He laughs and you gently push his shoulder back.

"Shut up." You joke shaking your head.


[a/n: this was shItt I'm sorry & btw I didn't tell you that I'm now 14 lmao. Also a massive thanks to my fav chummy nashesofgrier for updating for me while I was away !!
All the love - Ella]

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