40} Ethan Imagine For Tara

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[a/n: I was unsure of what you meant by 'cute moments', but I how you like it!]
For: @pastel_mendes


Cute Moments


Your POV:

As you talk to your friends, waiting for your bus at the bus stop. Your friends look behind you, slightly giggling and smiling. Your eyebrows furrow in confusion before two strong arms wrap around your waist, squeezing you playfully as a head buries in the back of the crook of your neck. You giggle, playfully yelping as the body pulls your back towards their chest. Grinning you turn around to face your boyfriend, Ethan.

"Hey baby." He leans his face down towards you, puckering his lips before connecting them with yours and you warp your arms his neck "I missed you, Tara." He murmurs against your lips as his hands moves to your hips, quite aware your friends and other peoples nosy eyes are watching you both.

"Lunch was only an hour ago!" You shake your head, laughing at his adorableness as he kisses your cheek multiple times.

"An hour seems days away though." Ethan kisses your lips again and you feel him smile beneath the kiss making you smile too.

"Yo-" you are cut off by y/f/n. Sulking you pull away from Ethan, your arms still wrapped around each others as you both stare at your friend.

"Tara, our bus is here!" Y/f/n exclaims turning to face your bus, gesturing you to go.

"Save me a seat?" You ask, cheekily grinding as she rolls her eyes.

"Fine, don't be too long and keep is PG." She childishly wiggles her eyebrows before a blush rises on your cheeks.

Turning back to face Ethan, he's already looking down at you. His eyes are full of lust and pure beauty as you watch the corners of his mouth rise, eyes squinting.

"Saturday?" He asks while rubbing circles on your hips with his thumb. You nod, rubbing your lips together.

"Saturday." You grin before kissing and getting on your bus.

Ethan waves to you as your bus starts to move forward. Blowing a kiss at you, he grins as you catch it and then put your hand on your heart.


Sitting next to Ethan in the booth as you wait for your parents to arrive to have dinner with you both. It was Ethan's first time meeting your parents and nervous for his right now was an understatement.

"Tara, what if they don't like me..." He bites his lip holding your hand, rubbing circles on the back of your hand with his thumb.

"Of course they won't like you." You say as his eyes widen in worry, "they'll love you." You smile before reading your hand up to Ethan's face and stroking the side of his cheek with the pad of your thumb.

He held your hand under the table as you both and your parents talked about college and university.

Ethan's leg bounces as his nervousness starts to show. Taking you hand out of his, you place it on his thigh. However he didn't like the loss of contact from his hand as he intertwines his fingers with yours again.

With his fingers intertwined with yours, he takes his other hand and fiddles with your fingers.

Separating them apart, bending and twiddling with them before it starts to tickle and you let out an unexpected giggle.


With a polystyrene box which has your fish and chips inside, you and Ethan sit side by side on the front of the beach. You sit on the rocks above the sea so you wouldn't get sandy fish and chips.

Ethan, playfully wraps his closest leg around yours.

"I didn't think you were one to play footsies." You joke, laughing as you eat your food. Ethan shakes his head, smiling and looking out at the sea, his leg still attempting to wrap around yours.

Sitting in a picnic blanket, you doodle meaningless shapes in the sand. From fish to random circles.

However Ethan distracts you from you mindless doodles by reaching over you. His finger meets an untouched place in the sand where no one has walked on and you haven't drawn on.

You watch as his eyebrows furrow in concentration, his tongue sticks out, wetting his lips.

"Shall we go now, it's getting cold." Ethan says, snapping you out of your trance.

"Yeah sure." You smiles standing up from you sitting position and pulling your jeans up.

When Ethan rolls up the mat, he holds his hand out for you to hold and you take it. Before you start watching you turn to look at the shapes in the sand which you had drawn, as your eyes scan the doodles you see what Ethan had written. Gasping, your breath is caught in your throat and your stomach fills with butterflys.

T + E

[a/n: these requests have been in my waiting list for a while and I wrote them a while ago, I was always too nervous to post them. More requests coming tomorrow!!!
All the love - Ella]

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