59} You're Pregnant & You're In A Car Crash - Ethan

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Read the A/N at the end it's important idk ok?ok.

Btw does anyone know where that picture is from, is it a vine and if so which one???

WARNING: unedited & kinda short because I'm tired af

Your POV:

As you stepped onto the icy concrete beneath your feet, your boots slip across it and you find yourself trying to balance but your baby bump makes it even harder. However you feel two hands hold your waist and a deep chuckle at the back of your neck.

"Watch you don't slip, baby." Ethan whispers, chuckling as he guides you to the taxi that was going to take you both to Ethan and Graysons tour rehearsals. His hand rests in your lower back to support you as you wobble towards the open door.

"I didn't think it would be this slippery." You reply as you grip Ethan jacket to stop you from falling.

When you're inside Ethan climbs in the other side, buckles his seat and then take a hold of your cold, shaking hands.

"I told you, you should have put gloves on you muppet." He laughs as he cups your hands in his and blows his warm breathe into them.

"You don't have them on either though!" You fight back, playfully narrowing your eyes before the taxi driver pulls out of your driveway and heads towards the building where you'll meet the others.

"Yeah but I'm a man, I never get cold." He brags, raising his eyebrows and matching my facial position.

"Oh yeah, I forget you were hard."

"For you only." You roll your eyes as he licks his lips before biting them and he looks at you, eyes full of lust and love.

Turning your head away from him, you look out of the window as you hold your bump in your hand. You were almost 5 months pregnant and you had recently found the sex of your baby, a girl. You and Ethan had bickered back and forth about names when you both had finally came to the decision of calling her Ava Lisa Dolan.

"I think I can make it through this." The taxi driver says as you reach the traffic lights, however they've just turned red before the man speeds up, driving across the crossroads.

All you could hear was your scream and the deathly noise of metal against metal, Ethan's body lays across you stomach, protecting you and your baby as the lorry hits the side of the car.

And then it all went black
(A/n: how original)


You awoke in a white room, a beeping noise rang around the room causing your head to pound. Looking down you place your cut and bandaged fingers across your stomach before the door to the room bursts open. Y/f/n runs inside, crying at your side as she covers her mouth and her mascara is smudged on her cheeks.

"Oh my Gosh, Y/n. I was so worried about you and the baby." She cries into your hands as she holds its against her.

"Is the baby alright?" You panic, your eyes suddenly spring open and the feeling of worry sinks into the pit of your stomach.

"Yes, the Doctor said the babies fine..it's just Ethan." She bites her bottom lip and another few tears slip from her eyes.

"What about Ethan?" You sob, placing your hand over your mouth to muffle your sob.

"He's still alive." You heavily sigh and a big weight is realised from your shoulders. "But he was really hurt, he'll have to be in a wheelchair for a few weeks. But he saved you, you know. He protected you and the baby." She whispers, a sympathetic smile on her face before she kisses your forehead. "I didn't believe it when Grayson called and told me what had happened. That fucking stupid taxi driver." She frowns before the door opens again and a Doctor walks inside, clipboard and pen in hand.

"Miss y/l/n, I'm glad you're awake." The doctor kindly smiles as she stands at the bottom of your bed. "How are you feeling?"

"Okay, I guess." You shrug, you couldn't care less about how you were, you just wanted to know about the baby and Ethan.

"Well, I'm happy to tell you that your baby is doing perfectly and she's absolutely fine." She grins. "But you did have to have three stitches on your head because of the glass." You nod along as she speaks.

"Could I see my boyfriend?" You politely ask, my fingers fiddling with the duvet that rests on my body.

"I'm afraid not, he's sleeping. But when he's awake, I'll let you know and you can go see him." She smiles before standing up and walking out.

[a/n: that was shitty and boring I apologise.
I'm posting the first new fanfic some time this week and I'm posting Rude because I've written the most chapters for that already. I might post the intro today idk depends on what you all think.
All the love - Ella (:]

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