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Hello! Hi! Idk I've answered your questions and there are some for you to answer too!! (-:

Wattpad Comments
1. From: @lilynchey
Q: where do you get your inspiration for the imagines? Randomly, thinking them in class, watching someone else's life, friends?
A: I love daydreaming, I daydream all in class, hearing what has happened to other people, earwigging into their conversations. If I have writers block or I don't know what to write about I will base an imagine on a book or a song. Songs are also a big inspiration for writing, I always blast music while writing.

2. From: Love_vs_Black
Q: how did you feel at the beginning of starting to write the book?
A: I don't really know tbh, I think I felt excited to show fans what I could/thought I could do. I have written a Harry Styles fanfic and 1d fanfics are a lot different to The Dolan Twins fanfics. I wanted to show DT fans another side of Fanfiction and to blow all other your minds showing you all that you don't have to write about Ethan&Grayson as viners. You can be more creative and turn them into a completely different person e.g Nerd!Ethan&Grayson

3. From: @dreamingdolan
Q: who's your favourite twin?
A: I can't choose! Somedays my favourite it Ethan but then Grayson. At the moment it's Grayson. But I think I love them both equally.
Tumblr Inbox
1. From: Anon
Q: what gave you the idea to write Nerd!Ethan & Nerd!Grayson?
A: I loved reading other fanfics where the character is a 'nerd' and I fell in love the idea of a shy, geeky, quiet person who turns into someone really hot. I always love the Styles Twins omg.

2. From: Anon
Q: which Imagine/preference is your fav?
A: Uhm probably Nerd!Grayson or the one where Grayson is your internet boyfriend
Questions For You
1. Which one is your favourite imagine/preference of mine?

2. Who is your inspiration?

3. How are you?

[a/n: I'm meant to be revising for my maths test tomorrow /: whoops. My friends are reading my HS book and may be reading this one #noprivacy 😂😫😆
Tumblr - qirlyblog
All the love - Ella]

Dolan Twins ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now