9} Your Cold - Grayson

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Your POV:

You shiver as you wrap your arms around your cold frame. The sun had disappeared and puddle from the rain lay on the concrete floor as you walk along side your boyfriend, Grayson.

"I told you you should have brought a coat, and that you shouldn't have eaten that ice cream. I mean it's winter!" He laughs and you giggle with him. His body is wrapped in a big puffy coat and his head pops out of a blue knitted scarf.

"I was cold before though and I eat cream whatever the weather." You laugh as you rub you hands together.

"Where are you cold?" He asks.

"My face and my hands." You answer rubbing your hands together.

Grayson takes you hands kissing them and then kisses all over your face.

"Here, come on." Grayson says as he wraps you his big coat and scarf which drapes heavily over you body, which leaves him in a shirt and sweater. He wraps his hands around yours and blows warm air into your hand, heating them up instantly.

"Thankyou. But you're going to be freezing!" You look up to him in concern.

"I'm fine, I'm a guy." He brushes the idea of.

"Oh really? I didn't think you were." You say sarcastically.

"No I'm serious, I'm fine. We're near the café anyways." You hum in reply.


When you step into the café a bells rings throughout the whole café bringing your attention to the both of you.

You sit down as your waiter walks away with you orders. Hot chocolate, with marshmallows and cream you both asked for.

You giggle as you look at Grayson's red nose and cheeks. Luckily we got the table near the fire.

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