58} He Has A Crush On You - Grayson

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I also wrote most of these images before summer so )):

This chapter mortifies me omg I can't believe wrote it ew. I would rather shoot my foot than have this happen to me.

Your POV:

Finally summer had arrived and you could spend your free time going out instead of doing homework. However that's what you always think summer will be like, but you always end up watching your favourite TV show on Netflix or finding new ones ! It had been two weeks since you had broken up from school for summer break and you still hadn't seen any of your friends. Your friend Ethan however had been texting you non-stop about coming over to meet his vine friends who had come over for the weekend. Ethan was a new friend of yours who you had met at a club in school so you hadn't been to his house yet nor met his twin brother Grayson (you had seen him around school and such but you had never spoken to him).


You lightly knock on his front door as Ethan told you that door bell had broken. In a matter of seconds the door flew open and there stood a  Ethan with a boyish grin. He had his boy shorts on and no tshirt which you were trying hard not to look at his toned abs.

"Y/n!" He shouts, instantly wrapping his arms around you and bringing you into his house under his arm.

Ethan walks you into the kitchen, asking how your summer had been and you only nodded, not wanting to share the fact that you had been a couch potato the whole summer. There were three tanned boys who already sat, arms resting on the end of the grey, marble island table as they watched you walk in. None of them had a t shirt on and they all had simular shorts to Ethan.

"This is Aaran, Jack and Grayson. Obviously you've seen Grayson." Grayson looks like he's caught in some sort of trance as Aaron and Jack look like they were going to burst into a fit of childish giggles.

"Hey, Y/n." Jack, says almost weirdly as he wiggles his eyebrows, nudging his tranced friend. What the fuck.

"Uhm.." Ethan says awkwardly as he glares at his brother and friends who are now waving a hand in front of Grayson's face and he knocks out of his trance, a light shade of pink rushing into his cheeks before smirking.

"Let's go in the pool." He suggests, the boys nod however you only follow, not wanting to be in the pool with four other guys, how awkward.


The guys ended up making vines, you being the one to film it and they had managed to soak you after your many pleads of 'I don't want to go in' or 'I don't want to get my hair wet'.

"Come one Y/n." Ethan begs you, his hands on the side of the pool as he stands up, the water dripping off him and falling onto the concrete beneath him.

"No, I'm alright here." You protest, turning the page of your book, The Devil Wears Prada.

"Stop reading silly fashion books and get in." He whines again, now flicking the water on the warm, tanning legs.

"Yeah, come on y/n. I know Grayson wants you to." Aaran laughs and Grayson dunks his head underwater.

They were acting like seven year old boys with a crush and the thought of it made you howl with laughter. A pale pink colour flushed your cheeks, but you used your book to hide your face.

"Fine." You groan, rolling your eyes as you laugh before taking off your shorts and leaving on your t shirt before jumping in.

"Fuck." You hear someone hiss as you rise from the water, but you shake it off as you begin to splash Ethan with water. [a/n: I want to say some mean and sarcastic but I'm too nice]


"Okay Y/n." Jack smirks, clapping his hands and he rubs them together. You all stood in a circle, still in the pool and Aaron had somehow convinced everyone to play truths. "Describe Grayson in one word." He laughs hitting the water as Grayson playing punching his shoulder.

"The hell, man." Grayson frowns, however you see a hint of happiness through his furrowed eyebrows.

"Uhm." You speak, trying to think of something that wouldn't completely embarrass yourself. "Y-your hot?" You choke out.

"No, say it like you mean it. I know you do." Jack pleads, loving this thrill that he gets into pressuring people into embarrassment.

"You're really hot." I look directly at Grayson before taking a deep breathe and staying under water, not wanting to look at their amused faces.

When you realise you need to come up for air, you quickly rise before taking another deep breathe and going back underwater. You can hear the humour in their laughter as they stand around you.

Rising from the water, you don't think once before turning around and getting out. You are well aware that you arse his in their view but you couldn't care at this moment, you just wanted to get away from the embarrassment.

"Wait, Y/n." You hear Grayson call behind you and you turn around to face him, his wet body still standing in the water. "You have something coming of your bikini." He coughs awkwardly, reaching up and his hand is very near your privates as his hand tugs at whatever he saw and you are too oblivious to what he's doing or what it was.

However, the blood rushes to your head and you feel almost faint even mortified of what he had in his fingers.

My fucking tampon.

[a/n: it's short and shitty I'm sorry omgg plz kill me I'm sick
- Ella]

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