28} English Love Affair - Ethan

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[a/n: in this you are kind of Ethan's girlfriend but in this Ethan cheats on his official girlfriend with you😉 btw he's in his early twenties in this]

Song : English Love Affair by 5sos(I listened to this song on repeat for ages while writing this😆)


You gasp, your hand covers your mouth as you step away from him. Ethan's arms hang loosely beside his sloughed body. His hopeless blood shot eyes stared at you with sadness, big bags were drooping from his eyes, they looked bruised and he looked like death. But you couldn't care any less about this monster standing before you.

"Y/n, just please let me explain." He reaches out for your hand with his but you move your yours away from him, shifting your blurred gaze to the floor.

"How could you, you sick monster! All this time is was fake?" You cry, your hands waving about looking like a mad woman. "Huh? The hugs, the kisses, the 'I love yous', the sex, the hand holding and 'you're everything to me'. Were you fake to? I can't even look at you, you disgust me. I don't even know you!" You drop your arms to your sides, speechless.

You felt as though your heart has been ripped out of your chest while Ethan was poking needles in your back and you didn't even notice. You were drained, emotionally and psychologically drained. But you were ready, you were ready for this life with him until he screwed it! Well, he was screwing it the whole time.

Was it even real what he said?


'Your going to be the most beautiful bride, my beautiful bride." He whispers in my ear as he holds me in his strong arms. Spooning, cuddling and kissing had recently become a normal thing to do with Ethan. I didn't want any of it to go away, it was so unreal.


He said he was going to get a flat for the both of you. That you both would live together, you were both going to move to LA, he always tried to keep you away from his friends and family which was a little odd at first but you didn't think much of it.

He went away for days, weeks, even months across the country. "Its another tour" he said. Another tour of his other girlfriends fucking body.

Your head was banging with sorrow and exhaustion. Your mind kept replaying the way his hands would run along your thighs, laughing at the spot you always missed when you shaved. The way his fingers would play with yours as you both stayed hidden at the back of the restaurant. The way he would kiss all over you face when you were sad to try make you happy. The way he used to fiddle with your hair or tuck it behind your ear when it fell in your face. The way he used to hold you by your waist and rest his head on your shoulders. The way he would laugh at your frowned face when you were trying to be serious. You were both happy, you were anyway.

"Baby." His voice cracks and pain flashes in his eyes as he watches you step away from him in fear as you clutch your teat soaked t shirt. "Don't leave me." He begs, stepping towards you and you whimper shaking your head no.

"I'm not the one who left, you are. You lef- you know what, I haven't even met the real-you yet so how could you have left? Nothing was real and nothing mattered. This nothing, whatever it was it over." You shout at his, your tear stained cheeks sting at your wipe them.

"No, baby. Please, you can't leave me. It's been me all along." He whimpers, biting his bottom lip and squeezing his eyes closed.

"So a lying fucking asshole is the real-you?" You spit turning around to pack your bag and picking up a t shirt to put inside.

"Your leaving?!" He asks frantically taking your t shirt out of your grip and holds it to his chest with furry and sadness in his eyes.

"Yes, I'm fucking leaving." You throw your clothes inside your bag, not caring about the creases it will have later. "I'm fucking leaving you." You shout as you slam the door to his flat and rushing down to your car.

Ethan's POV:

I could tell she was sad.

Her voice was soft, yet sometimes it was loud. That was when she was angry.

I had made her cry more times than laugh. I had seen a frown set on her face more than a smile. While she was making me happy I was destroying her and I didn't even notice.

Helena sits on my lap as she kisses my jaw. All I'm thinking of is y/n. Every minutes and every second, I had to go around fucking girls to get her out of my g*d damn head but it didn't work. She was always in my head.

I moan as she bites and sucks on my neck. "Y/n." I moan through my teeth before even thinking about it. The dumb red head didn't seem to notice and carried on.

I was only looking for attention when I met her. Someone to play with while I was away. But she drove me crazy, she looked amazing the way she moved her hips as she walked. Before I knew it was serious she took me into the back of the car. The moment replayed in mind as I moaned, Hele-whatever her name is kept attacking my neck and rubbed her palm on my non-existent bulge.

I'm miles and miles away from her because of this, and it's my fucking fault. It was like a song, the things she said were like the lyrics and it was my favourite.

I kept her away from everyone who knew my other relationship, kept her hidden and far away as possible. It was possessive of me to do so, but she is-was mine.

Nobody could ever take the memory of how she would say 'I love you', how she would walk around in just my shirt, how she would dance on my lap without s care in the world. But after all she's just a love affair, a picture, a memory. Nobody believed me, but I cannot forget her.

[a/n: I decided to post this now, I will be continuing other imagines which you have asked me to continue soon! Idk if I'm going to continue this one]

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