12} He's The School Nerd [Part 2]

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WARNING: unedited and fairly short

Your POV:

Walking into your bedroom, Grayson shyly follows you as his shoulders slump and he shovels around.

"Are you okay?" You ask as he sits on your bed and looks around your room in fright.

"I-I've never b-been in a g-girls r-room before. E-except f-for my sisters. B-but she's f-family. And y-yeah." He mumbles and you giggle. Walking into your bathroom you grab a flannel and run it under the tap to dampen it. When you walk back into your room Grayson clutches his stomach in pain.

"Did they hurt your stomach too?" You ask as you pat the flannel across his face making his hiss in pain and he shyly nods. You look down feeling sorry for him.

"Do you uhm, want to take your shirt off then?" You ask scratching your forehead awkwardly. He looks unsure but he then stands and takes his sweater and shirt off leaving him topless.

You gasp, looking at his toned but bruised stomach. You dab the flannel across his stomach and you feel his eyes on you as you do so.

"Uh, you can borrow some of my Dad's clothes and contacts, just hold that there." You say pointing to the flannel on his stomach.


When he walks out of your bathroom your breathe is caught in your throat as you take in the sight of him. His hair is now not gelled neatly down, the black jeans are loose but fit him perfectly and the Rolling Stones tee makes him looks hot as you stare in awe.

[a/n: Idek if I like this but it's Nerd Grayson!!!😉😍
All the love - Ella]

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