{Chapter 19}

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Sheila's POV:

My eyes fluttered open, the ceiling coming in focus as I woke up. Turning to the side, I saw the bed next to mine was empty—not to mention, all in a mess. There was no sign of the loud and angry redhead that occupied it last night. I scratched my head and got out of bed. It came to my notice that the dustpan and broom were no longer there, most likely moved by Isha.

     I rubbed my eyes and checked the nearby stand for my journal. My hands roamed around the desk until they found a leathery surface. Thank god, it was still there. I've no idea why I got so attached to this thing but it felt nice to keep around.

     On my way to the door, I almost stumbled being too caught up in my thoughts. I still can't believe it's only been a day since we got here. Somehow we managed to magically find ourselves a house to sleep in and I was still doing a good job of keeping the truth about the quantum a secret. Good job to me, I suppose. With a turn of a knob, I stepped into the halls and groggily walked over to Isha's lab.

     I missed Ashley. I hope she's taking the loss of two idiots with ancient powers all too well.

     "Hey Isha, where'd Erricah go?" I yawned.

     "She left an hour ago to buy food. No idea where or what she's buying though." I noticed Isha was tampering with her board.

     "I wonder..." I stretched as I entered her lab. Isha turned to me and smiled. She jumped off her stool and skipped towards me. Her eyes darted to the book I held tightly.

     "What's with that book you always have with you?"

     "Oh this? I'll show you," We sat on the floor and I laid it down on the ground. Isha reached out and opened it to a random page.

     "Interesting, another language I've never seen before. I guess you understand it, don't you?"

     "Yeah, it's a jo-fantasy book I brought with me," I replied while she flipped through the pages. Her eyes wandered through the drawings and her hands flicked the torn pages. I held my breath, hoping she wouldn't notice that some were missing.

     "That's all? These drawings do have these creatures and they're all beautiful, no wonder you're attached to this piece of work." She sighed, "Are you hungry? Or are you going to leave today?"

     "I'm not leaving yet. I'll eat anything if you have food."

     "Yeah I was waiting for Erricah to return but she's going to be the reason I'll starve to death," She joked. Isha took out a remote from her pocket and pressed a button.

     "What's that? Another invention you made?"

     "Just wait." She smirked and something whizzed through the hallway. I gasped as a huge floating fridge entered the lab.

     "Well... that explains why your room has a large open hole gaping out of it."

     "There was an actual door before but I broke it too many times. So the easiest solution I could come up with is to just remove the door. Worked perfectly!" She opened the fridge and added, "I have... a few apples. You want some?"

     I glanced at her fridge and it was almost empty. I just nodded in return. It's not like I had anything on me to eat anyway.

     "Here you go!" She took two and threw the other at me. I caught it and after that she sent the fridge flying back to wherever it came from.

     "How did you come up with that?"

     "If you remember those flying cars they use a mechanic that makes the car float..." I could understand the language Isha was saying but it was so complex I couldn't wrap my head around it and just stupidly bobbed my head up and down to make it seem like I was at least interested. "And then this remote has the same function as a steering wheel, I just attached it under the fridge and now I have a fridge that follows me around and goes wherever I want."

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