{Chapter 10}

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Sheila's POV:

It's normal to make mistakes, but what I did was an abysmal blunder. At this point, Ashley must be lying to me when she said it was fine. I would be better off if she had just told me the bitter truth.

     I sat myself down on the lush grass and took out a small pouch. To my right, a nearby star could be seen illuminating the castle. My hand fumbled inside the pouch as I took out a few of those crystal candies Ashley gave me before. I bit into one in one feeling the sweet taste spread around my tongue, they did the work of keeping me calm.

     "If only you could erase guilt, I could use some magic like that right now," I spoke to one as I put it in my mouth. I wonder whatever happened to Ana back home. It's been a month now and I missed her dearly.

     Those quantum shards—what if they landed in the hands of the wrong people? Ashley and I will have a hard time finding who they are. Worse, we wouldn't know what they would be doing with it.

     My eyes shut closed as I couldn't help but ponder about the future. Darkness enveloped me but I could still feel the warmth. I sat up, noticing something bright started to gather in front of me. It was probably Ashley and her teleportation powers.

     "Ashley, I want to tell you something," I sat down and took a deep breath. "I-"

     A little light was falling through space, leaving a trail of sparkles. I squinted to see it closer until it touched the grass. Its luminescence disappeared as I stood up.

     I took a step towards it, not expecting it would explode and send me flying to the ground. Adrenaline coursed through me as I got back up. The color was ever so familiar, it was the same color of light that took me away back then. This has to be the thing that touched the quantum shard! I locked my gaze at the spot where the light had touched, anticipating the creature to appear any second now.

     My eyes stung for a moment, making me cover them with my hands. The feeling stopped and I blinked rapidly to clear my sight.

     "Ugh, that hurts" a voice pierced through the silence.

     The light dispersed into tiny orbs and faded away. In its place now sat a... person? I gulped and approached the suspicious figure cautiously. Her short vermillion-colored hair was in a mess and parts of her clothes were singed from what had probably been a fire. She slowly sat up and looked around, her gaze stopping on the cliffs.

     "What a lovely view and a weird-ass dream," She sighed.

     "Hey?" I whispered, approaching her quietly.

     "Too bad I'm going to wake up soon. I wonder if I succeeded in saving that man?" She scratched her head and got up, dusting herself off.

     What happened to her to be in such bad shape? Now, what? Do I tell Ashley? Apprehend her? Run? Sheila, for the love of God, think

     "Huh, last time I checked, I wasn't dead..." She noticed me and walked over, a silly smile plastered across her face. "So what's an angel doing right in front of me?"

     Okay, she's crazy.

     She stepped closer and I fell back into the grass. To my surprise, she held out her hand which I reluctantly took. She helped pull me back up and laughed a little, making me a bit embarrassed. Her hand let go of mine and I noticed she stood a few inches taller than me. I was about to ask her who she was but suddenly felt her hand had now lifted up to my cheek. Slowly, she started squeezing my face.

     "You have soft cheeks—Wait, you're real?!" She yelped.

     "Y-yes I'm real. Please stop pinching my cheeks, it hurts," I squeaked. She quickly took her hands out of my face and took a step back.

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