{Chapter 28}

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Sheila's POV:

My hands moved immediately in position as ice traveled through my arms. Isha and Elaine hid behind Sabrina while Erricah and I aimed. We were about to run riot but in that split second, she raised her hands up in surrender.

     "Whoa whoa whoa, hang on there! I won't bite, I promise!" She flailed. Her eyes lingered on me and Erricah before moving to the others behind us.

     "Don't move or we'll... we'll—" I stuttered, fear choking the words out of my mouth.

     "You'll what?"

     "We'll attack you," Erricah replied with a shaky voice.

     The girl clicked her tongue, "Well, I did overhear you saying if you hurt me then your one-way ticket to escape would be gone forever so... better put those uh, glowing hands away and calm down. Wait a minute..." She gasped and jumped towards me, her face a few inches from mine. "You're that rag-tag group of mysterious men—children with powers all over the news!"

     "Excuse me? H-how did you know about that?" I scrunched my eyebrows. What could she be talking about? News? Did people know about us?

     "Oh, the universe has finally blessed me with incredible luck in such a long time! I can't believe it, it's really you!" She jumped, ogling us while giggling hysterically. She cleared her throat, having remembered she had an audience, and composed herself before continuing, "Anyway, I'll elaborate further if you put those pretty little hands down."


     "What are you doing Sheila?" Erricah hissed frantically, bewildered that I was purposely lowering my guard down. I reached out to her ear and whispered.

     "She's not entirely wrong. Besides, what were we supposed to do once she gets hurt? She's got the upper hand solely because of her knowledge, it's better to lay low for now." Erricah blinked at the explanation, taking a moment to understand before reluctantly putting down her own hands. I sent her a hidden smile as if trying to tell her it's alright. The better we cooperate, the easier it would be to weasel our way out of this situation.

     "Now. Elaborate."

"Gladly." The girl in front of me winked before jumping back and skipping to the control panels. She pressed buttons that seemed at random until the windows burst into different colors. They warped and shifted and a moment later, something appeared on the screen. It was a video of us taken from a birds-eye view. The clips were slightly blurred due to the continuous movement but it showed us using our powers freely. In it, I saw Anastasia blocking and retaliating every second she could.

     "You guys have magic?" Elaine whispered. The four of us had our jaws dropped.

     Oh no. This was the worst. We weren't going to be able to hide at all.

     "After Central Planet was unknowingly attacked, everyone was ready for an all-out war. Panic spread through its veins like wildfire until there was footage of mysterious men—actually now that I have a closer look, kids—wielding magic and fighting against the threat. It's you guys!"

     "Are we popular?" I gulped.

     "Yes! The Entire Space Travellers organization has been theorizing and speculating about you rascals! They're all finding and searching for you. It won't be long until they create a bounty with such a high price that I might just be tempted to snitch."

     "No! You can't tell them we're here or—" She raised a brow and grinned, clearly knowing she was riling us up, yet her actions held no malice, only pure curiosity.

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