{Chapter 27}

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Sheila's POV:

Two days, we lay stagnant and unmoving on this planet. The more I thought of the problem, the more I got worried. How in hell were we going to get out of here? I mean, Erricah's lie was great but how long will—could—it hold up? Will we be stuck here forever? If yes, we're definitely screwed. What would happen if an SP ship comes by to deliver the yearly goods these people rely on? If they figure out we're here, there's no hiding. It'll be futile and be the end of our short-lived journey.

     It was afternoon, the star tainted the sky with a beautiful orange hue. I liked to imagine we were on Earth, and it brings a familiar warmth to my heart. We ate some fried fish and stayed at the hut. I appreciated the hospitality of Elaine's people but if we took longer I think I'd need to learn how to fish to at least provide and be of help.

     Elaine's been handing out her unused clothes to us. She also gave us bags to dump all our things in.

     Which leaves us back here, to me reading the journal. I have to thank Erricah for taking care of it while I was passed out for an entire day. Elaine finally gave me a dirty handbag to stop me from carrying it everywhere like a child's doll. I sat in front of the hut mindlessly flipping through the pages. The same old content never got boring—

     "Hey, Sheila! C'mere, Elaine's giving you new clothes. You've been wearing those since we've met. Can't keep wearing that grimy and dusty old thing, can we!" Erricah called, waving her arms around to get my attention.

     Oh yeah, they didn't give me any yesterday. I wonder why.

     I closed the book and threw it in my handbag, then proceeded to run up to Elaine's hut.

     I jumped slightly after I saw Sabrina. "I'd like to change these black clothes too. They're gorgeous but it'd be better if I changed too."

     "Oh sure, I have some extra I don't use." She took out a bigger backpack and pulled out some blue shirts and pants. They looked like hand-me-downs, similar to donations in the orphanage. Beggars can't be choosers I suppose.

     A gleeful smile tugged my lips as I took the clothes, Elaine let us enter the hut to change. I was about to until I realized these were Ashley's spare clothes. My expression dimmed. I should return these to her as soon as possible.

     Sabrina wasted no time and—"Muscles? You have muscles?"

     "Isn't it normal to have muscles?" She only lifted her shirt for a bit and I got a glance of toned bloody abs.

     "No... Well, most people our age don't." Isn't she 16 how and why— I looked away and calmed myself. She's a bit older yet she looked like she's accomplished more in life than I did.

     "Really? Erricah had some I didn't know it was uncommon...You look uncomfortable maybe I should wait outside—"

     "No! Go finish what you've started, I'm getting out, be right back!" Anything to get away and not get a second existential crisis. And a possibility to get extremely envious out of nowhere.



Skies darkened and everyone returned to the safety of their homes. I sat beside the fire, listening to it crackle quietly.

     Yesterday I wanted to discuss the new power I had and overall everyone's power. With the residents all tucked in and asleep, we had a nice and private time to talk. Erricah sat in front of me, while Isha and Sabrina were beside each other.

     "Whaddya want to talk about this late at night?" Erricah yawned.

     "It's connected to the Central Planet incident," I sighed.

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