{Chapter 28.5}

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Sheila's POV:

The door quickly opened and Estella skipped away. I shook my head and looked at the others. At least we were safe (hopefully) and we could relax for the time being.

     Elaine was crestfallen and confused. Her reluctance a moment ago disappeared after finding out her parents were still alive. Yet we couldn't just stride in to help a friend. I had to agree with Estella on this, it would be too dangerous and rash to even think about going near the SP. Sabrina patted her back just to ease the pain.

     "What happened to you guys? And don't lie this time, I thought you were part of the SP. I thought we could trust you... Were we taking care of criminals all this time? Are you really all innocent?"

     Isha huffed and scratched her head. We might as well tell her the truth. Our eyes darted to Erricah expectantly, she was definitely the best when it comes to these situations. She sighed and began.

     "It started with Sheila a few weeks ago," she started. I listened in while Isha and Sabrina would sometimes interrupt to add or correct information. They mentioned the fight with Anastasia and I suddenly remembered about my other power. I really have to talk about that.

     Elaine sat there quietly taking all the information in. My mind wandered to Estella. Just what's with her and that creepy smile she always has on? Is she really trustworthy? Everything seemed easy... too easy to be true.

     The globe spun quietly with its blue color shining brightly. Her deal was too good to pass up. I needed all the information I could get from this place to know what we were dealing with.

     "I have powers? Just like you guys?! I knew other planets existed but never knew about the class systems. Most surprising is that I have a chip inside me now because of that shooting star—not a shooting star but a chip—I touched right? So what and how do I use my powers."

     "That we don't know. It appears randomly but you have one now, just hidden and ready to be awakened."

     "Can... Can I see yours?"

     Erricah excitedly went first, she summoned flames and began dancing them around her fingers. She held her palm up and created a big flame for Elaine to watch. Seconds passed as she tried to close her hand to extinguish it. Sweat dripped from her forehead when she couldn't put the fire out. Again.

     Sabrina sighed and rolled her eyes. With a flick of her hand, she took some water from the water dispenser. Two trails flowed quickly whizzing past Elaine's head making her jump and splashing on Erricah's hand. And face.

     "Was that really necessary?" Erricah frowned, while Sabrina smiled smugly.


    Before another pointless petty argument arose, I directed all their attention to the ice I conjured on my hand. The little crystals glowed lightly and I momentarily touched the sofa, letting it spread slowly.

     "I'm the only one that can defrost the ice, not even Erricah's fire can melt it in the slightest." Though strong powerful attacks like Anastasia's beams can shatter it within a second. I shivered and made all traces of the ice disappear.

     "Amazing..." Elaine's eyes shimmered in amazement and wonder. It was like showing a child a magic trick. Though this time, it was actual magic. She looked at Isha with expecting eyes.

     "Mine hasn't shown yet. Sorry," she replied with a smile but it quickly faded away.

     "Oh. But I bet yours will be amazing, just like you," Elaine assured.

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