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angel's POV:
"For fucks sake. Now how am I going to get home? He's such a fucking dick." I yelled as I walked towards the bank. The cold breeze grazing against my skin as my silver heels clicked against the concrete floor. It was fucking dark.
I walked in whilst rolling my eyes.
"I hate this place and I hate him more." I thought.

I turned behind to see a man holding a gun as a bullet shot out towards the ceiling. The screams of people filled my ears.

"Me and Rocco will go get the money and you and Ace keep an eye on these people and make sure no cops are called. Don't fuck this up or I'll have your neck slit before you can even get on your knees to beg for my forgiveness. Understood?" said one of the men who immediately went towards the register. My guesses was that he was the leader of this robbery. His aggressive cold tone was quick to give me chills up my spine.

One of the men approached me as I hid into a corner staring at the situation in shock. I was immediately drawn to those green eyes. His eyes looked like emeralds and his scent of cologne was to die for. His face was one of a kind, he was fucking hot.

Suddenly his gun dropped out his pocket. He looked into my eyes with an intimidating look and a devilish smirk to his face. He gave off such a cold vibe. I was almost scared.

"Can I have that back darling?" he said in a cold tone as he leaned closer to my face almost touching his nose against mine. I breathed heavily and stared into his eyes  in shock. What the actual fuck is going on?

"I- uh yeah." I stuttered as I quickly grabbed the gun and handed it to him. His warm fingers ran along my palm as I gave out a deep breath.

"Am i intimidating you darling?" he said looking deeper into my eyes.
"No." I blurted out. Fuck angel why did you say that? This guy has a fucking gun and can shoot your head off right now with no mercy.
I guess that's always been how I am. I don't show fear. You can say I'm rather reckless.

He erupted in laughter as he moved a strand of my hair off my face and tucking it behind my ear.
"Your body language tells me otherwise." his fingertips piercing into my skin like blades.

Of course he intimated me. He was literally robbing a fucking bank.

From afar the other men yelled out to leave with bags of money in their hands.

"Goodbye darling." he said as he got up and walked out.
I finally let out a deep breath and stood up pulling down my dress a bit and and walking out there like I didn't just notice a fucking robbery.

Finally I reached home after all that walking. My ankles were killing. All I needed was just to sleep or a bottle of vodka. Either would do after that chaotic night.

"Where the fuck have you been angel!?" yelled my mom. I rolled my eyes and continued to walk away ignoring her.

She grabbed my wrist with her cold icy hands tightly and looked me into my eyes.
"You were with him weren't you? Answer me you fucking slut! You make me feel so fucking sick!"

I immediately pulled my wrist out of her grip which gave her a shocked look.
"I'd rather be a slut than be like you, mother." I laughed as her facial expression changed to a fucking pissed look. It was funny seeing how much my words could affect her.

I walked away towards my room and sat on my bed. When will she quit being a fucking alcoholic? I thought. Why won't she realize how this is affecting her life and mine!
A sense of fury rushed up my body as I turned to see I had gotten a message from my friend Emily.
Emily: There's a party right now, get your ass over here girl. You can't miss this. It's going to be fucking lit. We are going to get drunk as shit and have a blast. I'm picking you up in 15. Better be ready fast.

After allowing my legs to rest, I got up and looked through my closet to see what I could find.

After allowing my legs to rest, I got up and looked through my closet to see what I could find

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I quickly slipped this on and looked into the mirror. This dress really showed off my body and curves and was so fucking sexy. The diamonds were eye catching and so sparkly. I put my hair into an elegant bun and finished applying my mascara as I heard a knock at the door.

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