him & i

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Angel's POV:

As the gunshot was blown, my heart sunk.
I looked up to see Antonio dead on the floor. Armani was stood there holding the gun.
She just shot her own husband.. Cameron's father..

'Mom did you just-' asked Cameron as he stared at the dead body in shock.

She nodded.
'Yes, Cameron I shot your father and I'm sorry.' she sighed.
'He made me into a horrible person, I had no intentions of drugging you Angel.'

He laughed.
'It's fine, he was a dick anyway.' said Cameron as I stared with disbelief.

Armani kissed Cameron on the head.
'I must go before they try kill me. I want to go restart my life again in Paris. I love you son, until we see each other again.'

'Good luck mom..' he said as she headed out.

Cameron turned to look at me as he helped me up.
'Are you okay-'

'Fuck you.' I said as I yelled.

'You knew I wasn't going to shoot-' he said.

'You had a gun against my head Cameron. You were going to shoot me!' I yelled.
'Don't you get it? You are the danger. You are the reason why my life is in danger every fucking day!'

'Angel wait please, just let me explain-' he said as I walked out.

As I headed outside, the breeze ran along my skin. I felt so numb. I felt so betrayed by Cameron, and I really thought I loved him. I was just glad to be out there and finally head home away from this mess.

at angel's house
I stepped into the shower. The warm water running through my cuts and bruises on my face. I couldn't help but think, was he really going to kill me? Why do I care so much? He's gone now and I'm free. Cameron Serrano is just a memory.

Cameron's POV:
I walked into her room and looked at her bed as I took in a deep sigh.
Why can't I get you off my mind darling..
I need to see her.

I headed to the car and pulled up at Angel's house.
I knocked gently hoping she wouldn't answer but at the same time I needed her to answer. I was afraid for once in my life. I'm too emotionally attached to her.

Angel opened the door. She was so pale..
She collapsed into my arms as blood dripped down my clothes. She was shaking and gasping for air.
"ANGEL!" I screamed.

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