please don't go

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Cameron's POV:

As we arrived at the hospital, I sat by her side. I was so fucking worried over one girl who I'm not even dating. She's nothing to me.

The doctor had said she had a stab wound under her abdomen. That fucker must have stabbed her when he got hold of her. Glad he's got a bullet between his eyes now.
Angel looked so tired. She was asleep calmly as I sighed quietly.

"Angel Sanchéz.." I whispered quietly.
"I think I lov-"

"Mr Serrano, we got Angel's results back." said a doctor as he walked into the room.

"Yes, what are they?" I asked as I looked at him with worry.

"She will be fine and will heal, she can be discharged later on tonight, sir." he said with a smile as he walked outside.

"Thank you.." I sighed as Angel slowly opened her eyes.

Angel's POV:
I opened my eyes to see the bright like shining into my face as I slowly sat up, groaning in pain. I looked around the room to see Cameron next to me, holding my hand. I saw tears in his eyes.. was he crying?

"C-Cameron.." I mumbled.

"I'm right here darlin, you're going to be okay. The doctors have took great care of you. They will dismiss you soon and I'll take you back home to me. I don't want to leave you alone unless something happens to you again." he said as he looked at me and sighed.

I took in a deep breath. I didn't want to go back with him but at the same time I was all alone. My mother was now dead. I have nobody. I only have Cameron and it hurts to even say that.

next morning
Cameron's house

It was early in the morning. I was scared still. So much had happened over these past few days.. my emotions were just sky rise. Cameron spoke to me about some training camp in Italy that he must go to as he is the Mafia leader. I offered to go with him as I owe him for what he's done. I still don't know if he really was going to kill me. I don't know what to believe. He's been through so much and has always had my back. What if he meant what he said? What if he really wasn't going to kill me? I don't know. I guess we just have to find out tomorrow when we head for Italy.

I packed my bags as I heard a knock at the door.
"Come in!"

It was Cameron. He stood there with a devilish smirk to his face.
"Need any help there darling?" he said as he leaned against the door.

I sighed.
"No, but thank you for the offer." I said as I slowly zipped up the bag.

He chuckled.
"Don't you think that's all a bit too much for only a few days worth of a trip?"

"No! It's perfectly fine. A girl needs her items you know?" I said as I got up from the floor and walked towards him.

He ran his hand through his hair as he looked deep into my eyes.
"Go rest up darling, you're going to need as much sleep as you can get." he smirked again as he walked out the room.

Tomorrow was going to be a hell of a day.

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