so, this is love?

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Cameron's house:
Angel's POV:
I felt like a bad ass bitch after last night. I really showed her who was boss and that I'm not a weak pathetic girl who is easy to get fucked around with.
I'm fucking Angel Sanchéz and I will bow to no man.

next morning
"Hey Angel, are you feeling alright?" said Savannah as she smiled at me whilst I walked over to her in the hallway.

"I'm okay, thank you." I smiled back at her.

She giggled.
"I'm actually staying here for a while too for Cyrus so I figured as you're here we might as well become friends."

"I'd love that. We should go shopping, I'm desperate in need for some new clothes." I said as I saw her face lit up.

"Omg me too!! We should go do that then." she said.

"Cameron said he wanted to talk to me so I'll go do that and see you soon."
I walked towards his office and knocked gently at his door.


He tuned round and glared at me.
"Morning Angel."

"Cut the small talk Cameron, why did you want to see me?" I asked him.

"I think we both know why Angel, don't play the innocent act." he said.

I sighed.
"I'm sorry but she deserved it and if not worse, she tried to fucking kill me Cameron." I said as I looked down to the floor.

He lifted my chin up and looked at me.
"You have a point, I just wish you didn't go alone without informing me first. Anything could have happened to you Angel.."
As soon as he said that I saw a sad look on his face.

I walked closer to him.
"Tell me why you care so much Cameron. Why do you care so much about me and my safety?" I asked in a light tone.

He was fast to change the topic.
"Make sure you don't leave here again without informing me. That's a warning." he said as he mumbled.

I nodded.
"Me and Savannah want to go to the mall."

He shook his head.
"No Angel, they're still around and I'm not risking it." he said.

"Then come with us? Please Cameron you can't stop me from everything because I will find a way to get there anyways despite what you say." I said with puppy dog eyes.

He sighed.

I smiled and jumped up happily.
"I'd advise you get changed into something a lot more comfortable because trust me it's going to be a long day." I said as I walked out towards Savannah.

at the mall
"Can we go?" asked Cameron

"No! We have only just walked through the doors and you're already trying to get out of here." I said.

He grunted.
"Yeah well it's not my fault you're taking so long to buy a couple of outfits."

"No! You just walk so fast because you're around 6'2!" I said in a more higher tone.

He laughed.
"Yeah I forgot you were barely 5'1."

I gave him a death stare in disbelief.
"Let's go shopping before they start fighting like an old married couple." said Savannah to Cyrus.

an hour later~
"Cameron where are Savannah and Cyrus?" I asked.

"They're probably fucking in a dressing room." he replied.

I giggled. I wouldn't be surprised. They seem pretty cute together and I can sense that their is some chemistry forming between them. It's too obvious they like each other.

I walked towards the dressing room with a couple of outfits in my hand ready to try on.

Cameron followed me in fast and closed the door behind us.

"What are you doing-" I asked as he pulled me in for a long and passionate kiss.

He smirked and walked outside.
"I'll be near the doors outside Angel, meet me there when you're done." he headed towards the doors of the entrance.

I blushed as I headed out a few minutes later with the bags in my hand.

"Ready to go?" he asked me.

I nodded as he opened the door for me to get in.

at Cameron's home
Cameron was so wasted after all those drinks of whiskey he had. His cologne and the smell of alcohol rushed past me.
He pulled me close my the waist, he really was drunk as fuck.
"I just want you under me right now princess." He mumbled as he smirked at me, looking my body up and down.
"C-Cameron-" I couldn't even finish my sentence.
He pulled me in and kissed my lips firmly.

"Cameron no you're drunk-" I said as I gently pushed him away.

"I'm sorry Angel-" he said as he moved away from me.
I sighed as I walked outside.
"I need some air, I'll be back soon." I said as I headed outside.

What the actual fuck.
I felt the tears drip down my cheek. I felt like I couldn't breathe and that I was suffocating. My emotions were everywhere.

"If you move I'll have a bullet through your fucking head."
I felt the gun against my head.
"You're coming with me Angel Sanchéz, say goodbye to your lover."

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