remedy for a broken heart

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Angel's POV:


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I had gotten dressed and slipped on my heels. As I looked into the mirror I saw I looked rather pale, I also felt a bit lightheaded but I didn't pay much attention to it.

Light were flashing, my vision began to feel rather fuzzy.

Suddenly Cameron's arm linked with mine as he dragged me towards a chair.
"You okay there darling?" he asked with a look of worry on his face.

I nodded and slightly smiled.
"I'm okay don't worry!" I said

Cryus walked in with Savannah.
They looked so adorable!

Cyrus's POV:

Savannah walked in wearing this beautiful ruby dress, she was so gorgeous.
Fuck man. I think I was falling for her.
She headed towards me and I took a deep of breath. Right this is the moment.

"Hey Savannah." I said with a slight nervous tone in my voice.

"Hey Cyrus, what's up?" She asked.

I took a deep breath and composed myself together.
"I have feelings for you, I think you're a beautiful girl and I wanted to ask if you wanted to go now for dinner but if you don't feel the same it's fine-"

Her lips gently pressed against mine as she smiled.
"I'd love to Cyrus. I feel the same way.. just ever since we first met and I laid my eyes upon you I knew you were the one.."

God I am so lucky with my women aren't I?

Angel and Cameron stood up cheering.

"AYY MY GUY CYRUS LOOK AT YOU!" Cameron exclaimed teasing me

Angel rushed to hug Savannah.
I gently grabbed Savannah's hand and we both walked out the party.
Cameron's POV:
I turned to look at Angel and chuckled slightly.

"Never thought he would actually do it, he was being a pussy about it for fucking days." I said

She giggled. Her smile is so beautiful. Everything about her is so mesmerizing even that dress it really brings out the beauty in her body.

She poked me.
"My eyes are up here Cameron, not down there!"
"I think it's rather adorable, they were both clearly made for each other!" She said.

Just as I was about to answer Joshua came over to me.

"Sir we need you outside'" - Joshua

I looked at him then looked back at Angel.
"I'll be there in a minute."
He walked away.

I glared at Angel.
"Stay here and do not go anywhere alright? I'll be back here in a minute."
She nodded at me as I head outside.

Angel's POV:
As Cameron walked away, I suddenly felt a rush go up my throat.
I ran to the bathroom and a girl chased after me.
She grabbed my hair gently into a ponytail and I knelt over the toilet throwing up.

"Girly are you okay?" The girl said looking at me worried

I clenched my stomach in pain

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