so we meet again

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AT THE PARTY: [for best experience listen to the music whilst reading this]
Emily handed me a bottle of vodka as we both smirked at each other.
"This is about to get fucking lit!" she yelled as the music was on full blast echoing through my ears.

The bottle of vodka was fast to touch my lips as I gulped it down. All I wanted to do was to get drunk as fuck. I didn't want to focus on anything else apart from getting wasted

40 minutes later:

I was so drunk I could barely see. Everything was a blur and I felt my eyes getting heavier. Any second now I was going to drop out cold onto this floor.

"So we meet again darling."

I froze. That voice. It was so familiar..
I slowly turned to see him. My eyes were in shock to see him again. The man who was at the robbery. Flashbacks rushed through my head as I looked him into the eye.
"It's you again.." I mumbled trying to keep awake and conscious. Maybe this alcohol was affecting me and this isn't real?

He grinned as he pulled me in for a kiss. His soft lips touched against mine and I just let it fucking happen. That sexy look of him and his scent of cigarettes and cologne is just unforgettable. I was also drunk as shit but do I regret it? Not at all.

He finally let go of me as I looked at him with my eyes wide open. I could feel my body start to tense up as I just started into his eyes, nothing more.

He looked at me intensely before walking past me and smirking.
"And I thought I wasn't intimidating princess."

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