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Cameron's POV:

I glanced up at Angel who was as white as a ghost, every color had escaped her face.

My heart stopped when I saw the blood seeping out her chest. 'Cameron-' she whispered staring at me with widened eyes before her body went limp.

I raced over to her as she collapsed into my arms. I slowly knelt down placing us on the floor. Everything stopped. It was all going in slow motion like a movie. Everything was numb, the sound of the gunshot still echoing into my ears.

I grasped onto her tightly as my eyes filled with tears trying to stop the bleeding.

'Darling stay with me, you're okay, you're going to be okay' I mumbled.

She looked up making contact with my eyes before uttering quietly 'I love you' she blurted out before blood dribbled down her mouth.

I finally let the tears roll down my cheeks.

I began to sob grasping onto her tighter 'Angel I love you too.. I've always loved you ever since I first laid my eyes upon you at the bank up until now I've always loved you..' my tears choking my words.

Her smile weakened as a tear rolled down her face into my arms. She struggled to breathe as the blood increased.

I sobbed uncontrollably as her eyes began to shut laying in my arms dying.
'Please don't leave me' my sobs filling the nights silence.
Her hand caressed my cheek stroking away my tears before whispering softly 'Save our baby, please.. save him.'

My eyes widened.
'No, please don't go!' I begged her as her blood covered my hands and clothes.
She took her final gasp uttering 'I love you' as her hand fell down from my cheek.

'ANGEL!' I sobbed frantically as Cyrus and Savannah came rushing up.
I screamed in pain as I held her tightly close towards me gasping for air due to my sobs.

Cyrus and Savannah began to cry as they both tried to pull me off of her.
'She's dead..' I shouted as I refused to let her go.
'Our baby..'
Cyrus grabbed my shoulder, 'You need to give her to us. We need to save the baby.'

My grip suddenly loosened as I let go of her.

My vision blurred as paramedics rushed up taking her into the ambulance. My whole body ached. I was so numb.

The doctors had to do an emergency C-section. There was no hope in saving angel, she was gone.

I cried out in agony before collapsing to a chair, Cyrus held me in his arms.

Hours went by until a cry.
I heard a baby cry.
I heard my baby cry.

I rushed into the room to see the doctor hold him up exclaiming 'He's alive! He's alive!'.
He placed our baby into my arms as he cried, he had angels face. Her nose, her lips.
I rocked him gently in my arms hushing him to stop crying.

I handed him to Cyrus before watching Savannah collapse to the ground. I felt light headed as I sat back down on the chairs.
Angel. She was gone.
I headed to the bathroom looking at myself in the mirror.
Her cold lifeless body flash backing into my head.

I washed the blood off my hands as the tears fell towards the sink.
Why didn't she tell me she was pregnant?
She knows I would have come back.
I would have.
But I let her go.

3 months after

It's been 3 months since her death. There hasn't been a single day where I haven't shed tears for her. I decided on a name, Elijah.
It's been hard looking after him without Angel. He's grown so much, and Savannah and Cyrus have been here to help me every step of the way. The day she died, something died with me. Something left me, a piece of me is gone.

I gently picked Elijah up from his crib as he cried.
I gently rocked him heading outside on the balcony.

The sky was pitch black but the stars illuminated the view.

I kissed his forehead holding him close to me. 'It's just me and you against the world, son.' I sighed.

I love you, Angel.

The stars were always my favorite sight until you joined them.

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