bad bad thing

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Angel's POV:

I rubbed my eyes as I slowly sat up letting out a yawn.
I began to realize where I was.
Oh no.
Oh no oh no.
This wasn't good..
I slowly shifted from the bed trying not to make a sound. I couldn't face him after this.. The first time meant nothing but this time. This time it meant something.. it hurt. I couldn't even begin to look at him..

I walked out the room, Savannah was standing outside in the hallway.
"Savannah... I fucked up so bad." I said shaking.

"The fact your in a boys shirt isn't a good sign. What did you do?" she said looking me up and down.
"Wait did you guys fuck!?" she said looking at me with a huge shock spreading across her face.

"I-I can't remember fully, last night is so vivid to me but I think we did yeah.." I muttered almost on the verge of tears.
"I'm going to go head to the shower. We can speak about this later.." I headed towards the bathroom.

Savannah gave me a reassuring smile as I head to the shower.
The warm water drizzled my skin.
I need to speak to him but how do I even begin to do so? We fucked. We actually fucked but this time with some sort of feelings attached. What if he hates me after this?
My tears dribbled down my cheeks to my neck.
I sniffled as I stepped out the shower with a towel wrapped around my body. I had to get changed, training was soon.

I sat on the bench with Savannah as we stared at Cameron doing his pull ups on the bar.

"God he's really hot." I exclaimed.

Savannah turned to face me and let out a little giggle, "he may be hot but have you seen Cyrus? He's on fire."

I nudged her a little.
"Why don't you go talk to him? He seems to be interested in you and you seem to be head over heels over him so I think you should go tell him how you feel and who knows maybe you'll end up dating!" I said smiling.

She took a deep breath and sighed.
"I don't know if he feels that way towards me, plus anyways this isn't about me it's about you. Has he spoken to you yet? What are you guys going to do now? Is this the end of Camangel? Yes, that is the ship name I've given you both!" she giggled after saying that.

I stared at her.
Camangel. Seriously?

I hadn't spoken to him. He hadn't even looked at my direction. I don't know how much he remembers but I want to talk to him but where do I even begin?

"No I haven't spoken to him yet-" Cameron headed towards us just as I had completed that sentence.

"Ladies. Angel may I have a moment alone with you?" He said in a shuttle tone.

I got up and headed towards the corner with him looking back at Savannah for reassurance. She gave me a slight nod as I looked over at Cameron holding eye contact with him.

"I wanted to talk to you about last night." He spoke in a cold tone

"I- I know and I'm sorry-" he cut me off instantly.

"Angel. We were both drunk, it's fine. At least we didn't actually fuck." he said staring deep into my eyes.

"Haha yeah that would've been messy." I looked down.

"There's another party tonight, make sure to be there I'll see you in a few hours." He walked away.

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