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Angel's POV:
It's been 8 months.
Since Cameron left me of course.
Time really does change everything.
Being pregnant and alone isn't a fun experience.
You have nobody to rely on, no help or support.
I tried to start again from scratch, I now own a jewelry store. It was hard but I got there in the end.

'FUCK I AM SO LATE!' I exclaimed grabbing my bags rushing around to find my keys.

'Angel, you own the store. Relax yourself a minute.' grumbled Kian tossing my keys at me

I glared at him catching the keys,
'Just because I own it doesn't give me a valid reason to be late!'
I head towards my car and drove off.
work place

'Morning Miss, the clients I spoke to you about are here. They seem to be wanting to spend a shit amount of money.' said Abi

'Thank you Abi, let's go meet them shall we?'

I headed towards the front reading the papers.
'Hello you must be-'

I gasped looking up to see Cyrus with a huge smirk on his face, my jaw almost reaching the ground.

'Holy shit, hello stranger.' He said with a chuckle observing me looking down at my stomach.
'Wait you're pregnant-' he bolted with a huge look of shock sliding across his face.

I smiled faintly at him nodding.
'Yeah I am, I haven't seen you in ages Cyrus it's good to see you again.' I replied with curiosity.
'What brings you here?'

He paused for a moment before speaking,
'Actually I was looking for an wedding ring, I'm getting married to Savannah. The date was changed under small notice.'

I squealed out with excitement,
'Really? I'm so happy for you two!'
Time really does change everything.
'Thank you Angel.' - Cyrus

I took a deep breath in before asking 'So uh, how's Cameron?'
Cyrus gave me a little smirk before saying 'Ask him for yourself.'

'Wait wha-'

I turned around stumbling back against the wall. Those emerald eyes pierced through my heart like a dagger, my breathing increased as the smell of his cologne whispered into my nose.
He placed his arm over my head blocking up the wall analyzing every feature on my face.

'Angel..' he replied back in that devilish tone.

'You two have still got it' interrupted Cyrus.

Before either of us could tell him to shut up he looked down at my stomach and back up at my eyes.
'You're pregnant?' He spoke in a subtle way almost like those words hurt his feelings.

I glanced down avoiding eye contact with him while laughing nervously 'Yeah I am-'

'Who's the father?' He asked.

Just before I could answer Abi came in. Sir your ring is ready, if you'd like to follow me we can discuss the payment.'

'Alright' Cyrus headed out the room following her.

I quickly changed the subject.
'How's the mafia been going?' I asked with a shaking voice

He let me go from the wall and started at me for a couple of minutes before Cyrus came back signaling to leave.

'You know Angel, you should come to the wedding. Savannah has missed you a lot so she'll love to see you there.' Cyrus said to which Cameron made an input agreeing.

'Yeah you should come.' He stated in a cold tone before leaving the room

Cyrus looked at me confused before handing me the information and details of the wedding tomorrow.

'I'll be there.' - Angel

'Perfect, see you then.' He walked out heading outside towards Cameron.

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