head above water

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Cameron's room
Angel's POV:
I woke up to realize I was in Cameron's room and in his bed. I was still pretty out of it so it took me a minute to realize where I was at.
I sat up slowly rubbing my eyes as I groaned in pain.
"W-what the fuck happened?" I said as the bright light shone into my eyes.

"Calm down darling, it's me." Cameron said whilst he rocked on his chair looking deep at me.

I looked down to see my clothes were changed.

"You were drugged by my mother but you're safe now darling." He said as he look a me concerned.

"I want to go home Cameron.." I whispered slightly.

"You know that's not an option, angel darling." he looked at me with a cold look.

I took a deep breath in.

"Why did you have to fucking be at that party? We all know you're fucking heartless so why did you decide to protect me!?" I yelled at him.
I walked towards the door.
"I'm heading home."

I felt Cameron's hand around my wrist as I reached for the door handle.
He pulled me back and slammed me against the wall furiously.

"Don't you ever fucking raise your voice at me again." he snarled at me as his face became more infuriated.
"I'm sorry about what happened at the ball, but I think we're forgetting who's in charge here."

I looked at him deep in the eyes.
"Why do you care so much about me Cameron?" I asked.
"Are you this eager to just want to fuck me and that's all?"

He smirked as he whispered into my ear.
"Trust me when I say this darling, if I wanted to fuck you you'd be on my dick right now screaming my name."

"Fuck you." I mumbled.

"Get in bed and sleep." He looked at me with his cold tone.

I silently nodded and headed back to my room.

Cameron's POV:

I walked out to see Peter and Rocco outside in the hallway ears dropping on the conversion.
"How much of that did you hear?" I mumbled

"Enough to know you like it rough." said Rocco as he chuckled.

I stared at him coldly.

"I'd advise you shut the fuck up now." I said.
"We have business to attend to, I know who drugged Angel and it was my mother. Armani Serrano, and her and my father will fucking pay for this."

Angel's room:
Angel's POV:
I had to show them I'm not just a fucking doll to be messes around with, fuck no.

I slipped on a quick tight dress as I headed outside.

I slipped on a quick tight dress as I headed outside

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I walked outside to the car parked.

"I'm glad you could make it Armani, I think we just got off on the wrong foot to start with." I said with a fake smile.


"This place is rather nice." said Armani as she observed the interior of the building.

I chuckled slightly.
"Only the best for my future mother in law."

She glared at me.
"Cut the bullshit, why am I here? I put enough in your drink to kill you, how the fuck are you even standing right now?" she said in a confused tone.

"Come outside with me and I'll show you." I said as I lead her outside to the balcony.

"What are we doing here-"
Before she even managed to finish the sentence I pushed her up against the wall with my gun pressing against her forehead.

"You may be married to a powerful man, but you are fucking nothing without him, but me on the other hand, I'm not to be fucked with because oh babe, I won't hesitate to put a bullet straight through your eyes faster than you can blink."
I removed the gun from her head and walked back to the car.

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