cold hearted truth

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his bedroom

He took me up to his room where his face changed. He looked at me with a very serious face. His tone changed cold and aggressive.

"Sit down." he mumbled whilst handing me some clothes.

I sat as fast as I could. Is he mad that we fucked?

"Why did you never call the cops after I left the bank, you had many chances to call the cops and tell them what had happened and you could've gotten me arrested as you saw my face but you never fucking did that, why?" he asked confused waiting for me to answer him.

"It wasn't my business." I mumbled quietly under my breath whilst avoiding eye contact with him.

"Fucking look at me when I'm talking to you!" Cameron raised his voice from across the room. I almost jumped at how aggressive he sounded. He growled furiously at me as he grabbed my wrist tightly pushing me up against the wall.

"Get the fuck off me!" I screamed as he covered my mouth with his hand and looked at me intensely with a cold look on his face. He scared me so much, but I couldn't let that show. This made me realize his temper really is uncontrollable.

Cameron Serrano. He really was the devil people described him to be. Just a replica of his father you could say. Very aggressive, quick to have a bullet through your head with no mercy.

He let go of me and stared right into my eyes. Fuck. He really is the scary guy people point him out to be. He could fucking kill me right now.

He took in a deep breath before he spoke.
"You're going to fucking listen to me until I'm done alright? One of my rival mafia gangs have spotted us together last night and they now think you're my girlfriend which makes you the mafias girlfriend, next in line to lead after me. You're in danger as they're trying to come for you therefore you will be staying here with me and my guards at your protection. You're not to leave unaccompanied. Is that fucking understood?"

"W-what!? No! I'm not going to stay here with you and leave my mom all alone! I hardly fucking know you and yet you've already managed to get people out here to kill me!?" I yelled at him as I quickly reached to open his door and leave.

He grabbed me by my waist.
"You're not going anywhere darling unless you want a bullet through your head. I'll let you go see your mother for a final time and then we are heading back here. I'll have someone prepare you a room and help pack your belongings." said Cameron as he tried to calm himself down

He led me to the car and started to drive.

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