venice here we come

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italy- venice
Angel's POV:

We finally arrived at the hotel. I was fucking knackered. All that flying and shit but at the end of the day, it's worth it. Italy is really beautiful. The scenery and views are just amazing plus anytime there's a party, know that I'll be there.

Cameron walked in, he smelt fucking good.
"Darling, we are sharing a room together. This fake relationship needs to look believable now that everyone thinks me and you are a thing, although I don't think you'll be complaining." he smirked.

I rolled my eyes.
"It's fine, Savannah told me about a party that's going on later tonight. We should all go, it'll be fun." I said with a please on my face.

He sighed.
"Right, but I think we should-"
I walked away before he could even finish his sentence.

"See you at the party boys!"
the lounge
"Angel!" said Savannah as she waved for me to come sit beside her.
"Are you excited for tonight? I heard that these parties really are something else."

I laughed.
"Someones a bit cheery? Maybe because of the romantic tension between you and Cyrus hMm?"

"PFT AHA NO-" she said with a nervous panic on her face.

"You don't need to hide it from me Savannah, it's pretty obvious the way he looks at you and the way you look back, the love really is in the air!" I said as I gently punched her arm teasing.
We should go get ready for tonight's party, it's gonna be a fucking blast, and don't worry I'll help you and Cyrus get closer and soon enough he'll be in your bed.

I headed back to my room and got myself ready. Cameron was being fucking difficult and didn't want to attend but after some persuasion, we got to it.
God why does he have to be so stubborn sometimes?

God why does he have to be so stubborn sometimes?

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