dear mother

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Cameron's house
Cameron's POV:

It's been 2 weeks since her mother's death. I've tried to accompany her and support her as much as I can but she hasn't spoken to me at all. I really hate seeing her like this. She doesn't deserve any of this pain she is feeling right now. Her moms funeral was a couple of days after her passing. She didn't want to go at first but after my persuasion she went. It was painful to watch her place the roses on her mother's grave as she sobbed in tears. The most I could do after that was just comfort her as we headed back home. I've made sure to get her anything she needs whilst she griefs.

Angel's POV:

It hurts. I'm in pain. I miss her so fucking much. I miss all the memories we had when it was just me and her and my father and brother. You're probably asking where my father and brother are. My father died after I was 12. My brother abandoned us shortly after his death and never returned. We have no contact with him at all.

I sat up and wiped my tears as I heard a knock on the door. It was most likely Cameron. He's been checking on me everyday since her death.


"Angel? Can I come in?" he said as he sighed.

I gave no reply. My body just felt like it was frozen and at that point I couldn't talk or move. I just wanted someone to hold me. Someone to tell me that it's going to be better and that I'm going to be okay. I need my mom here.

Cameron walked in with a cup of coffee in his hands. He was thoughtful to be caring so hard about me at this moment but why? I'm not his girlfriend or lover or anything. He's just a heartless man who's probably only being this nice so he can fuck me once more.

"Drink it up." he said with a commanding tone in his voice.
"I'm not going to let you just sit here and refuse to eat or drink anything. It's not healthy for you and I'm not trying to have you die of starvation so Angel don't make this any more difficult then it needs to be and drink up."

I sighed as my hands shook a bit as I took the coffee from him. I took a small sip whilst looking back at him into his eyes.

"Please hug me." I whispered quietly under my breath as he looked at me with a weird face.

"I don't like hugging people, it's not my thing. I only did it before to comfort you." he said whilst staring at my puffy eyes which were so red from no sleep and all the endless nights of tears.

I looked down as I placed the cup on the bedside table next to me. He sighed and pulled me in for a hug.

Butterflies filled my stomach. He made me feel a way no man has ever made me feel before. No angel. You're just grieving so your mind is going insane. Don't even think about this shit.

He looked at me as if there was something he had been wanting to say.
"Darling I know you're in pain from the loss of your mother but there's a gala tomorrow and many mafia families will be there. I am expected to be there as my mother and father will be there too. Could you come with me?"

I looked at him and gave out a small giggle.
"If this is your way of asking me out on a date it's a rather unusual way but sure, I'll come."

He gave a smirk.
"Alright princess. I'll let you get some sleep and tomorrow I'll have a personal hairstylist ready for you and a designer to help pick out a dress for your sexy body."

I blushed and quickly looked away as he walked out the room.
Oh Cameron Serrano, you're going to be the fucking end of me.

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