grand arrival

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Cameron's house
Angel's POV:

I was nervous to go to this ball. I was about to meet Mr & Mrs Serrano. 2 of the most powerful mafia leaders in Italy. Plus not only did I have to go to this ball, I had to act like Cameron's girlfriend due to these rumors.
Can't be that bad can it?


"Come in!" I said as the door opened.
A tall man who looked around 6'0 walked inside. His neck was covered in tattoos and he had curly brown hair and these beautiful deep brown eyes.

"The names Cyrus." he said as he stared at me up and down.
Was the bitch really observing my body?

"Nice to meet you, I'm Angel." I spoke quietly.

He stared at me for a moment then laughed.
"You must be one of Cameron's sluts?" he asked

I glared up at him.
"What the fuck did you just call me?" I said aggressively as he carried on chuckling

"Relax princess, you're a feisty one aren't you?"
He walked closer to me and grabbed me by my waist pulling me close. My face only a couple of inches away from his. He gave me a mischievous smile as I tried to get out his grip.
"We all know you're Cameron's slut, therefore you can have a bit of fun with me can't you princess? You seem to have no problem fucking him."

Cameron walked in. Silence fell fast.

"You have 3 fucking seconds to get your hands off her before I shoot a bullet through your head." said Cameron as he pulled out a gun from his pocket.

"Loosen up boss. Me and your slut over here were just having some fun, weren't we princess?" he mumbled.

I watched his face become more infuriated than he already was. Cyrus grabbed my arm as I flinched.

"Get the fuck out of here Cyrus, you know I don't give second fucking chances." he warned Cyrus as he interrupted him.

"And what if I-" before he even managed to finish his sentence Cameron's fist had already collied with his jaw.
I stumbled back as I watched Cyrus grunt in pain as blood drooled from his mouth. Cameron really couldn't control his temper.

He walked towards the door to one of his guards.
"Take him to a doctor to get his jaw sorted and make sure he's in my office once he's seen a doctor. Is that clear?" he commanded.
"Yes sir!"

Cameron turned to me as he lifted my chin up with his finger, staring intensely at me.
"Did he hurt you or say anything to you?" he asked in a calmer tone.
I shook my head.

"No no, it's fine I'm okay. He didn't hurt me or anything so don't worry about him, just please maybe next time don't lash out so hard?" I sighed.

He rolled his eyes at me and walked out.
"Your dress is going to be here soon. They will have you all ready for the gala in an hour, be as fast as you can."



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