center of attention

80 2 1

Sun 6 Jun

I woke up to see I was laying on him. He was shirtless and I was completely naked. His heart was beating fast.

Did we just fucking have sex? Did i really just fuck a man who literally robbed a bank infront of my own two eyes? Yeah. Yeah I did. I guess you can now see where the phrase 'she's a slut' comes from.

He immediately sat up and started breathing heavily. His face was sweating. He looked scared. Did he just have a nightmare? I thought.

"Did we fucking have sex?" he said as he took a deep breath in.

"Yeah. Yeah we did." I replied whilst rubbing my eyes. I didn't even know who's room we were in.

He got up and grabbed his shirt and put it on.
Was he really just going to fucking leave? He literally fucked me.

I grabbed his hand and looked at him.
"Where are you fucking going? We literally just had sex and you're out here trying to leave!" I yelled.

He glared at me. A deep intense look. Almost as if he was about to hit me. He grabbed me and threw me over his shoulders and wrapped the blanket around my naked body leaving my bra and underwear on the floor.

"PUT ME DOWN!" I screamed as I started to kick around.

"We are going to my place darling. Once we can get you cleaned up then I'll drive you home." he mumbled in a low voice

He walked over to a car that was parked outside the building and opened the door for me. He placed me down onto the seat as he was greeted by the driver.

"Morning boss."
"Morning Joshua."

"Boss?" I looked at him confused.

He chucked before placing his hand on my thigh. I flinched up a bit as he carried on laughing.

"Oh darling, I'm fucking Cameron Serrano." he smirked as I looked at him shocked and confused.

Cameron Serrano? As in Peter Serrano's son? Leader of the fucking biggest mafia in Italy?

No, I must be hearing this wrong.

"Cameron Serrano? You? You are fucking Cameron Serrano?" I asked confusingly before raising my eyebrow

"In the flesh baby." he uttered as the car stopped. I looked out to see where we were out and oh my fucking god.

 I looked out to see where we were out and oh my fucking god

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This is what we had just pulled up to. I guess you could say my jaw fell to the ground.

"This is your place?" I stared in disbelief as I observed the palace like mansion in front of my eyes like a child seeing the sight of candy

"It's nothing big." he said as he looked into my eyes giving me an intimidating look. "Now get the fuck inside we need to talk."

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