my romeo

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Angel's POV:
My arms were tied up behind a chair. I couldn't move. Everything was dark when I looked around, where the fuck am I?
I screamed.

He punched me across the face with full force. I could feel the blood drip down my cheek as tears filled my eyes.

"I'd suggest you keep your mouth shut, sugar. Don't want to fuck up that beautiful face of yours." said the man as he walked over to me, holding my face in his hands.

"W-who the fuck are you and let me go!" I yelled.

"You ask many questions Angel, don't make me fucking punish you." he said.

He pulled out his phone and dialed a number and placed it on speaker.
"Hello Cameron Serrano. I have angel, I'm giving you 12 hours to find her and if not, I'll return her to you with a bullet straight through her head, you got that?" he said.
I shivered as goosebumps ran along my arms.
Was he really going to kill me?
How did I let myself get so close to Cameron..

He walked over to me and bent down beside me.
"The names Rodrigo Ryder." he spoke as he glared into my eyes.

"Ryder?" I asked.
"As in you're the boss of the Ryder's?"

He chuckled evilly as he grazed his fingers along my cheek.
"Yes, I am and you are a valuable piece to me. Therefore I'd strongly advise you not to fucking piss me off as your life is in my hands. Cameron may put up with your bullshit but I certainly won't."

I looked away as the blood dripped onto my leg.
What if Cameron just doesn't bother to come find me? After all he has no real reason to save me. We aren't even a thing.
I need Cameron..
Now I understand why you have to be heartless and not care for anyone, because it will be taken away from you in a split second..

3 hours later..


I saw Cameron run in towards me. He actually came for me..
I hid behind him as Cameron shot Rodrigo in the head with no hesitation at all..
He didn't give any fucks..

"That didn't really go to plan." said Antonio Serrano.
It was Cameron's father..
"How the fuck can you stand here and say you're a strong mafia boss when you're too busy saving a girl who threatened your own mother?"
"I thought I taught you this. We Serrano's do not fucking feel love. Love is weakness."
He chuckled as he looked at me.
"If you're so heartless as you point out to be, kill her."

Cameron turned to look at me.
"Get on your knees." he said in a serious tone.

"C-Cameron you can't be serious-" I said lightly.

"I said get on your fucking knees!" he shouted.

I got onto the floor and looked up at him as he placed the gun against my forehead.
"Cameron I'm begging you please don't do this-" I sobbed uncontrollably.

"I'm sorry it had to end this way darling." he mumbled as I cried.


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