oh boy

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at the party
Angel's POV:

Everyone was looking at us. It's like we were hunters and they are the prey. The knew not to fuck with us.
I felt Cameron grab my waist and pull me closer.

"I'd love to see that dress around your ankles" he smirked as he whispered into my ear.

I pushed him away from me gently as I blushed. I hate him sometimes really. He can be a pain in your ass.

From a distance I could see Cyrus and another man. He looked about 6'0. Wavy dark brown hair and hazel eyes. His neck covered in tattoos. They were looking over at us.

"I'm gonna head over to Cyrus over there. Stay with Savannah and don't get too fucking drunk okay? I'll be back soon." he said as he kissed me on the cheek

I nodded.
"Yes father whatever you say." as I walked over towards Savannah.

Cameron's POV:


I chuckled as Mike approached me.
Mike was a good friend let's put it that way. My mafia and his parents gang get along well.

"Who was that chick with you? She was fucking smoking hot." he said as he laughed.

I glared him down.
"Shes mine so I'd advice you back away from her before you find yourself 6ft under." I growled at him.

He looked at me confused.
"Cameron Serrano? Girlfriend?"

I nodded at him as Cyrus chucked in the background.

"Fucking unbelievable, although I brought the good shit." he pulled out packs of weed from his pocket.

"Let's get fucking lit!" shouted Cyrus as we headed outside.

Angel's POV:
I walked towards Savannah, she looked fucking hot. We are just hot in general. I could just hear the whispers behind me. People really were afraid of what Cameron was capable of doing..

"People really do envy you huh? Go with it Angel, be a bad bitch." she said as she gave me a devilish smile.

"AHA I'm already a bad bitch, now let's go get drunk and get you and Cyrus together." I spoke mischievously as we headed towards the bar.
"Bro I'm so fucking high-" mumbled Cyrus he was so out of it.

"This is some real good shit!" Mike laughed as he looked at me. Cameron seems to be enjoying it because he's fucking smiling.

I stared at Angel. She was dancing sexy as she kept her eye contact with me. All eyes on the room were on her, which I fucking hated.

I pulled her to a corner and pushed her against the wall.
"I know what you're trying to do Angel." I said as I looked deep into her ocean eyes.

She smiled and looked up at me.
"And what may that be Mr Serrano? I was only dancing"

"I may be high as fuck but I'm not stupid darlin,don't try play with me." I spoke deeply.

"Oh yeah? Or else what Mr Serrano?" she spoke in her sexy voice, fuck she was turning me on.

"You couldn't handle what I'd do to you" I said as I leaned my face closer to her.

"Let's find out then shall we?" She grabbed my arm and we left the party.

hotel room
Angel's POV:

He pulled me by the waist and kissed me hard, I gasped for air. He smelt of weed and cologne all mixed in one.

Those beautiful emerald eyes..he's so fucking sexy. His hand ran along my thigh as he looked at me deep into my eyes. His fingers trailed up my leg as he took one deep smirk at me as he inserted his index finger into me. I moaned slightly as he pushed his finger in deeper whilst kissing my neck leaving trails of hickeys down towards my boobs.

"Fuck Cameron-"

He ripped the dress off my body whilst pushing me against the bed unbuckling his jeans.

A smirk ran along his face and he glared at me deeply. You ready princess?
We fucked all night.

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