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at home
Angels POV:

I rammed through my closest to find a dress. I was still in shock from yesterday, seeing Cameron again after this long is something I didn't expect. The feelings are still there, I tried to move on but it's not easy especially knowing I'm giving birth to his baby in a month. I found out the gender, I'm having a boy, and if that boy has his eyes and face I don't know how I'm going to cope.
I love him, I can't let go.
We saw sparks..
But it didn't turn into a flame like we both thought it would.

But it didn't turn into a flame like we both thought it would

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I wore this dress. It was hard finding something that would also fit my bump.

His arms wrapped around my waist.
'Where are you going, beautiful?' Said Kian.

I gently moved his arms off me and replied in a cold response.
'Just an old friends wedding, I'll be back tonight.'

'You don't ever have fucking time for me Angel. Do you even fucking love me?' He spat out.

'Kian I don't have time for this.' I made my way towards the door slamming it behind me.
at the wedding

'HEY BITCH!' I exclaimed running over to Savannah hugging her gently.

'OMG, where the fuck have you been?!' Her face lit up as a huge smile ran along her face.

I giggled 'No where have you been!? You're already getting married!'

'AHA I know it's crazy- wait are you pregnant?' - Savannah

I nodded slightly.

'You're fucking pregnant! What the fuck!' She exclaimed in shock.
'Angel.. is it his-'

A girl approached us both.

'Savannah are you ready yet?' - Rosa
Hey Rosa, This is Angel, Angel this is Rosa.' - Savannah

Rosa glared me up and down, there was a long moment of silence before I asked, 'Hey are you okay?'
'Yeah I'm fine..'
Savannah suddenly broke the awkward tension.

'Yeah I'm ready!' She turned back to me 'We can talk about this later. Let's go!'

They had their ceremony and it was amazing. They seemed so in love and it was just amazing to see. After the wedding everyone went to the reception to which I saw Cameron standing there again.

I stood in the corner looking at them both. They were so happy together. Towards the corner of my eye, Cameron seemed to be talking to Rosa. She looked pissed off at him.

Cameron's POV:
Rosa approached me.

'You seem very focused on them two. It's almost like you want what they have.' She muttered.

'What are you talking about?' I asked confused.

'You just don't give a shit about me do you?' - Rosa
I quickly cut her off.
'You know that our relationship is fake Rosa.' I said in a harsh tone.

'It didn't seem fake last night.' She replied.

'I don't have time for your bullshit Rosa.' I headed outside for a smoke.

Angels POV:
Cameron looked pissed. I followed him discreetly to the rooftops balcony hoping he wouldn't notice.
A warm grip wrapped around my wrist, I instantly knew it was Cameron and mumbled to myself 'Fuck fuck- I just wanted to check up on you and see if you're okay..' I whispered

'Yeah I'm alright. Just that bitch is doing my head in. After I left I needed to be with someone in order to keep the gang running and she was the one chosen for me to be with.' He rolled his eyes.

'You don't love her?' I asked.

'No of course not. It was all just arranged.' He looked away from me before staring at the stars above. 'The stars are my favorite view.' He then looked down before changing the subject.

'You didn't answer my question yesterday darlin' He spoke.
'How far along are you?'

'8 months..' I sighed.

His face changed, he looked as if he was thinking very hard.
'Is that my baby?'

Just as I was about to reply, BANG, a loud ringing sound flooded my ears; it was the sound of a gunshot. The background was filled with screams and heavy running footsteps.

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